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Levi's POV

It's been a few days since Valerie's death. The house's atmosphere was very heavy and depressing. Life just... wasn't the same anymore. And it won't be... ever. Farlan and Isabel ended up burying her in a grassy patch outside and even made a small plaque for her. I didn't go. I couldn't bear to see my wife being buried in the ground.

"Are you still blaming yourself?" Farlan came into the kitchen where I sat. I didn't look up at him.

"Why wouldn't I? It's all my fault." I solemnly said.

"Levi it's not your fault. We searched anywhere and everywhere for a cure. You didn't care about the cost or anything. Levi, it wasn't your fault." Farlan sat across from me. "It's just the circle of life." I stayed silent for a few seconds until I held back the tears and spoke.

"I just... really miss her..." I said.

"I know, and that's okay." Farlan sympathized. "But you have to be strong for Sophie. And you know that Isabel and I will always be here to help with whatever we can."

"Thank you." I shakily stood up from the table. "I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight." Farlan said. I nodded and made my way up to what was now considered my bedroom, it was only mine now.

I slowly opened the door and peaked inside. Isabel sat up against the bed with Sophie in her lap. Sophie was asleep but her face was very red and her eyes were puffy. "She cried herself to sleep again." Isabel whispered to me.

"I'll take her. Thanks." I took Sophie from Isabel and laid down on the bed. The past few nights, Sophie has been sleeping in my bed. This must be really hard on her... going through this at such a young age... (A/N: Sophie here is 3, I heard from a source that it's an official fact that Levi was 4 when his mother died.)

Sophie stirred in her sleep and rested her head on my chest. "M-Mommy..." Her voice quivered and a few tears slipped from her eyes. I gently wiped them away and she woke up. "Daddy?"

"Hey, baby." I gave her a tiny smile. She looked down at me and buried her face in my neck.

"I miss mommy..." She said and started crying again. How I hate it when she cries... I gently wrapped my arms around her small body.

"I do too, sweetie." I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. "But we'll be okay." I gathered up my courage and tried to reassure myself. "We'll be okay."

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