First words

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Levi's POV

Sophie was about six months old now and is developing really fast. She's also really smart for her age. She was still a good baby, though, and sleeps through most of the night.

"You are just the cutest thing~" Isabel cooed at Sophie as she held her. "Yes you are~"

"Get out of her face." I grumbled.

"Don't be so rude, Levi." Valerie said to me as she picked up Sophie. "Sophie might pick that up."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and reached out a finger to play with Sophie.

"No offense, Levi, but I never really thought of you as somebody to fall in love and start a family." Farlan said from across the room.

"And why's that?" I asked, irritated.

"Well..." He trailed off. "You're just you."

"Shut up, you brat." I turned back to Sophie.

"Levi!" Valerie scolded me again for my use of words around the baby.

"B... Ba..." Sophie let out, we all stared at her in amazement.

"What was that?" Valerie asked softly.

"I think she's trying to talk!" Isabel said, excited.

"Ba..." Sophie tried to say.

"Bath? You want a bath?" I asked.

"B... Brat!" Sophie exclaimed. I could see everyone in the room mentally facepalm.

"See, Levi. You made her first word be 'brat'." Valerie narrowed her eyes at me.

"Sorry?" I offered.

Sophie slowly lifted up her arm up and pointed it towards Isabel. "Brat!" She exclaimed again.

"Hey, that's not nice!" Isabel whined.

That's my girl.

The Captain's Daughter: Prequel ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now