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Levi's POV

"Come on, you can do better than that." I looked down at my daughter as she starting getting lazy with her push-ups.

"But I'm hungry..." She whined as she brought herself down again.

"You can eat when you've finished your push-ups." She did a few more but collapsed on the ground again. "Ackerman, huh." I sighed and shook my head, going downstairs for lunch.

Sophie's POV

I laid on the hard floor trying to catch my breath. I know Daddy just wants to help me survive and all, but he's been really hard on me. It's only been a few weeks and he's already started me on the 3dmg. I didn't want to say anything to him because I didn't want to make him upset or disappointed.

I finally gathered my strength and sat up. The door open and I feared it was my dad but it was Isabel. "Hey there." She sat on the floor next to me and handed me a piece of bread.

"T-Thank you." I took the bread and quickly ate it.

"Don't worry about your dad, Farlan and I will try and talk to him." She tried to reassure me.

"I just don't want to disappoint him..." I looked down at my hands but Isabel titled my head back up.

"You're not disappointing him, Sophie. He just has a tendency of being hard on both others and himself."

"Before he left just now he muttered something about me being an Ackerman." I felt my throat start to close up from tears. "Almost like he couldn't believe I was his daughter..." Isabel sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"We'll talk to him, okay? Just hang in there." I nodded and got ready for training.

Time skip

It's been a few days and nothing has changed. I trust Farlan and Isabel, but I knew how my dad was. I was currently on top of the house with the 3dmg hooked to my body. "Ready, brat?" My dad asked. I nodded and pointed the trigger to a nearby store. I shot the wires out and landed on the side of the building. "Again!" I heard my dad yell from the house. I sighed and went from building to building around the house. I kept going until I had a fuzzy feeling in my head. My vision became blurry and it felt like there was no oxygen in my brain. I shot to one more building before I finally blacked out.

Levi's POV

I quickly shot my 3dmg towards Sophie and caught her right before she hit the ground. I looked down at her and realized she was unconscious. Did she just pass out? Why? I started walking back to the house and realized that she felt lighter than usual. I know we don't have a whole lot of food, but still.

I opened the door and laid her down on the couch. I was taking off her 3dmg when Isabel came in. "What happened?!" She ran up to us. "What did you do, Levi?!"

"I didn't do anything, you brat." I grumbled.

"I beg to differ, Levi." Farlan joined in.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seriously not noticed?" He asked. "I know you just want to protect Sophie, but you've gone too far now."

"How so? I'm just training her to survive. You guys know how dangerous it is down here."

"Levi she's only three years old. She can't do training nonstop from early morning to late night. You've been pushing her too far. She needs food, too." Farlan said. So that's why she felt so light... What have I done to my own daughter?

"I... I didn't mean to..." I said looking back down at Sophie. "I just... I just want to get her to the surface. I have to."

"Well this isn't the way to do it." Isabel said and they both walked out of the room. I lowered my head onto the couch and held Sophie's small hand. A few tears slipped out of my eyes as I reflected on how I've been almost torturing her lately.

Time skip

Sophie's POV

I lightly moved in my position as I squinted from the light. I realized that I was on the couch in the living room. Did I... just fall asleep? Oh no! I've been asleep too long, Daddy's going to be angry!

I jolted up and intended to get off the couch. "Hey, now." I heard my dad say as he gently pressed me back down. "You should rest."

"But we have training!"

"No, we're taking the rest of the day off." He said. I was confused. But why? We never have a day off. "Listen Sophie, I just want to say that I'm sorry." Wait... what?

"F-For what, Daddy?" I asked.

"For pushing you too hard these past few weeks. I went a bit overboard with training. All I want is for you to be protected and ready, but I never realized just how hard I was being on you." He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. "I'm really, really sorry, Sophie. I don't know how I could ever make it up to you." I sat there a bit in shock. Did he... finally notice?

"It's okay, Daddy." I smiled at him. "I forgive you." He looked at me for a second before pulling me into a hug.

"I love you so much." He sniffled. "And I'm so proud to have you as my daughter." I smiled brightly and hugged him back.

"I love you too, Daddy."

The Captain's Daughter: Prequel ScenariosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora