Chapter 38

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Jungkook P.O.V.
We somehow managed to complete the impossible task: fit in the kitchen. As now there were too many kids to even count, the kitchen seemed as big as a mouse hole. We somehow succeeded, I don't even know how.

Although maybe it was because half of the kids ate either on the floor or the kitchen counter. Others, smaller ones, were sitting on each others laps: Yun-a sat in her father's, Ryung in his boyfriend's(not like he had a choice, Kwang refuses to take his eyes off of him for more than a milli second) and of coure Hwan sat in mine happily.

Everyone seemed hungry as we ate in silence for a long time, only Hwan whispering his random cute thoughts in my ear, then giggle.

"Okay, now that it's silence and everyone is here, let's talk about the unaddressed important subject here." Kwang broke the silence.

"And what would that be exactly?" Ae-ri asked skeptically.

"Well Ryung's hair of course!" he said it as the most obvious fact.

All the kids groaned."No, he's doing it. I thought he AT LEAST wouldn't do it while we're here, but of course I was wrong..." Hui rolled her eyes.

"What is he doing?" Hoseok looked a bit anxiously towards his son.

"Showing us how fu-"he looked at Hwan" I mean dam whipped he is for Ryung." Byeol rolled his eyes even further back than Hui-Seon.

We started to laugh at our kids suffering. I love being a dad.

"No but OH MY GOD! It's so pretty, he's so pretty, it's been so long since you've died it black! It makes you look so hot!"
"what doesn't make him look hot in his opinion?!"Hui muttered under her nose.
"And I've missed it so much! How can you be so perfect no matter what you do? Ahhg"

"Okay before you die here, we're trying to eat!" Yoongi snaps. Until now I failed to notice how he was glaring at Kwang.

"Dad it's okay...."Ryung barely whispers. He way way too flustered and embarassed to even properly raise his head and look into his father's eyes. He resembled Hwan exactly in this state.

Yoongi seemed to scoot closer to Hwan, as to protect him from somehow getting a boyfriend who will take him away from him, as if boyfriends could appear out of thin air. But he still didn't take his eyes off of the couple. Although it wasn't easy to notice, since his sharp, cat-like eyes were squinted, making them even thinner, and to top it his bangs were falling in his eyes. So I was the only one with the pleasure to see Yoongi transform into a jealous, over-protective dad. Hm, cute.

Once we were done with dinner we headed to get ready for bed. Yoongi looked at me with a bossy look, which I quickly transkated to "take Hwan to bed", then he grabbed Ryung by the wrist, and before either of the couple could protest, dragged him towards his bedroom.

When almost only me and Hwan were present, he turned around in my lap so he was facing me. He smiled at me through hooded eyes, and I could instantly tell that he was tired.

"Want to go to sleep, bub?"

"~Hmm yesh daddy, cawwy me!" How could I say no?

I picked him up and carried him to Yoongi's room, while he was slowly drifting off in my arms, his head resting on my shoulder.

Once we were there he was fully asleep, only to be awaken by Yoongi pushing Kwang out of his room, as he was sending all kinds of love to Ryung. The only reason that I didn't burst out laughing was to not wake Hwan even more.

When both males spotted me with Hwan they finally shut up, and Kwang left for his father's room.

Once I was inside I layed Hwan down on the left side of the bed, but he didn't agree with me. He whined and crawled onto the middle of the bed, while quietly mumbling "I wanna sleep with both daddys."

"I don't think I should sleep here tonight, Ryung wouldn't have a place on the bed then." I ignored Hwan's silent protest and went for the door.

"Hwan loves sleeping with you, I can sleep in your room." Ryung offered.

"Yeah nice try. Because you totally won't sneak out and invite Kwang to sleep with you. I think not!"Yoongi said with a voice that showed no mercy.

"Hyung....they missed each other, let them be." I winked at Ryung, I'm a cool dad, and a brat of a dongsaeng. I know hyung can't resist me. "It'll be okay, if they do anything you won't let we'll hear it anyway." It seemed like Ryung knew it too, as he smirked to himself happily.

"Alright.....but make sure you don't do anything that can't be mentioned in the presence of your brother!" he warned him.

"Yes, yes, of course! Thanks dad, good night!" he skipped out of the room."Good night other dad!" he smiled at me.

"Good night."

"Daddddysss, Hwany's sweepy."

The baby on the bed whined to get our attention. I chuckled along with Yoongi.

We took off his clothes and replaced it with his pyjamas, which was an (for him) oversized hoodie and thick christmas socks, that went up to his knees, incase he felt cold. We then decided to take showers in the morning, since Hwan was already asleep. We climbed up next to him on the bed. Hwan immeadetly cuddle me like koala, and put his father's arms around himself. Just like his son, Yoongi was dead asleep minutes later. I smiled at them and closed my eyes. I'm starting to get used to this.

Hoseok P.O.V.
Ae-ri was already in the shower when Kwang came in with a sulky expression on his face. I had a feeling it was about being separated from Ryung, but I asked him anyway.

"What's wrong?"

"Yoongi hyung threw me out of his room." he slumped down on my bed. "I wanted to sleep with Ryung, I missed him."

"I know, but Yoongi's overprotective right now, you need to understand that. You'll get to be with him in the future, so don't worry." I try.

"I know." he leans on my shoulder. "It's nice being with you too."

The moment I smiled at him the door burst open, and a very excited( and honestly cute) Ryung came in jumping in the arms of his lover.(One of them)

"Dad said we can sleep in other dad's room as long as we don't do the" he giggled"dirtyyy."

"Oh never mind then, I'm off with my twinkie." he jumped towards my closet, picked out some clothes, then quickly turned to leave, holding hands with his boyfriend.(one of them)

"Do you call Jungkookie 'other dad'?"

"Well of course!" he smiles"Good night hyungie!"

"Yeah, good night dad!"

I sit down and sigh at door, which opens again, just for a second. "I wasn't lying tho. You're a fun one, dad." he winks at me. And with that, I'm left with my daughter for tonight.

Wooow, I got a long one for you again! I hope that's what ya'll like 😂😂 anyways, I might update twice, bc I'm rotting in school, for a stupid competetion:( im not feeling good, I wanna go home:_(
*IMPORTANT A/N*!!!!!!¡¡¡¡ IN THIS CHAPTER THE IMPORTANT SENTENCE IS NOT THE LAST ONE! If you couldn't tell already. Pray for me, i dont wanna be here, have a nice day anyway, thanks for reading😘

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