Chapter 44

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I got to work right away. Good thing I stole dad's money, I can at least get some supplies.
First, I went to the nearest clothing shop to get new clothes. Then obviously, I went to get computers, phones, clocks, and all kinds of electronic gadgets I thought I could get something from.
I had no idea what I was doing. The time machine was the most complicated invention I have ever done, and it was hard enough when I had a guide for it, so now, when not only do I have to do it on my own and  from memory, it has to be better then the original. This is crazy.
But I don't have a that I'm alone and seeing the results of my plan, I'm starting to regret everything. My motive seemed to be dumb and ridiculous, and I just wish I had never even considered it. But again, too late....

It's been days now, if not more. The pills I took are making my head all messed up. Anyways,  it's the first time I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I'm starting to see something coming out of this.
I'm going down to have breakfast, when I here loud footsteps coming from the staircase. I freeze. Then quickly get back in my room.
This is really not good.They came for me, I have to leave.
I put all the essential stuff in a bag, and the current prototype of 'time machine' I have and bolt out of my room.
I hear footsteps running towards me but I don't care. I have to concentrate and get out of here, with the time machine of course. If they get it.....I don't think I should even think about it.
I'm running down on the back staircase. It's not as wide as the main one, and that might be my advantage.
One of them is really close to me, they almost managed to grip my backpack, so I got off the staircase and now I'm running down on a corridor. I'm not sure which level we are on.
I'm trying to think of a plan on how to get away, when a door opens and a strong hand reaches towards me and pulls me in so fast, I almost lost my consciousness.
The person hugs me from behind, keeping in me in place in their arms. They breathing just as heavily as I am, and I can feel the fast pace of their heartbeat.
"Shhhhh calm down it's me." the person says and I immeadetly recognise him.


Hey everyone! Yeah I's been long! Has anyone missed my book.....?
I got a writers block again, and schoolwork was a pain in the ass since its the end of the year! BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS:school has almost ended for me, meaning I will have a ton of time to update, so the story will continue on steadily! Thank you for all the love the book is getting, I'm seeing the numbers growing bigger everyday and it's crazy! Thank you--!!!! This is a small chapter but something exciting happendd at the end! The next one will be better and it might be up today👀who knows? I think there are some other stuff I wanted to tell you, so there might be more A/N s at the end of chapters. Goodbye for now!

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