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**** Two weeks later,

Drina and Kaylee walked over to the main house for breakfast with Ava and the ranch ladies. The two girls had become inseparable, Ava attended Kaylee's riding and horse care lessons with Topper, adding encouragement. Topper had enlisted the assistance and leather working expertise of Tad to build an individualized saddle for Ava.

It cradled her seat, supported her back and had a bar on the front for additional balance when needed. Straps hanging g down strapped her legs in allowing her to ride without her legs jostling around, giving the mare confusing instructions. Kaylee was thrilled when she had been asked to help present her best friend with the brand new, custom saddle. From that time on the two girls took riding lessons together. Kaylee assisted Ava with physical therapy, and became her biggest cheerleader. They'd become best friends within moments of meeting, and everyone who saw them together, recognized how good they were for each other.

Ava, looking proud as a peacock, greeted the two sisters at the door with a huge smile and her new walker.

"Well," Drina exclaimed, "Look at you girlfriend, looking good today!"

"Oh wow!" Kaylee said and clapped excitedly. "Did you use your walker just for us?"

Ava nodded shyly, "I wanted you to see how much better I am since you've been helping me. I really feel stronger!"

Bobbie came up behind her youngest sister and opened the door further to allow the newcomers to enter the room. "You certainly are, Tadpole and I am very proud of you! You've improved so much."

The girls beamed, "Kaylee's been helping me with my therapy every day. Doing it with her makes it more fun."

"So I've noticed and I'm very impressed with both of you." She smiled at Kaylee, "I've also noticed the difference in both Nugget and your riding skills."

Kaylee grinned, "Thank you, I didn't know riding and being around horses was so much fun, or so much work."

By then, the four had made their way into the kitchen where Eve and Lillie were putting breakfast on the table. Kaylee, who had been touring with Drina and the band for the last five years was just getting used to sit down meals again.

Drina, who had been touring steadily for years now had completely forgotten what real sit down meals were like. She still felt a bit uncomfortable around Lilly after seeing how distant she was with Ava, although it was clear that she tried to hide it. She hurt for the adorable dark haired girl who was so lovable.

Drina couldn't understand how a mother could simply turn off her emotions of her own child just because of a condition for which she had no control.

Throughout the meal they laughed and talked about several bloopers from the making of Drina's most recent music video. Ava almost fell out of her chair when Drina told them a story about a white dove getting tangled in her hair.

She was about to tell another blooper story, but was cut off when Beau's voice came over the walkie talkie on the table.

"Bobbie, can you come to the front gate asap? We could use your skills as an arbitrator like... now."

Bobbie, eyes large captured the device just as her teenage sister Kassi, reached for it. "I do believe he asked for me. I am Bobbie you know."

Kassi rolled her eyes, "Nobody ever calls for my help."

"You could help me clean off the table and put leftovers away." Lillie, grinned.

Kassi harumped, "That's not the kind of help I meant."

"I know, dear; but your help is needed in so many other ways. More than you realize."

"Yeah right." She groused.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now