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**** Drina closed her lap top. She had just finished the application for online schooling, paid the tuition and book fees and pressed send. She had decided to go back to school for her Masters Degree in Social Work. She could do the school work anywhere as long as she had her laptop. She wanted to stay here - on the ranch, with him. She had been doing some research online and had found a few places that she could study and be certified in Equine therapy.

While she knew Beau was very attracted to her and wanted her on the ranch, he hadn't said he loved her or that he wanted a lifetime with her. She loved him, so very much but it was important to her to set a good example for her brother and sister. She didn't think she could stay as they were. The kids loved being there and all the people on it and had blossomed and flourished here. She would fulfill the contracts that had already been scheduled, but she wasn't going to tour anymore. She wanted to write songs more than sing them.

She wanted to provide therapy to people suffering from trauma and utilize equine therapy to help future clients, particularly when a disability or PTSD was involved. Riley, on the other hand loved touring and singing but worried about the long term effects on Eli, as she herself had been for the twins.

They had talked about it many times and at length, particularly when they were together over the holidays. They were going to make the announcement at the Valentine's Day concert. She would partially retire and Riley would step into her place as lead singer for the band. Riley's son Eli, would stay with her and the twins. The question was... would they live here or find another place... off the ranch?

* * *

Beau stood out on the deck, mug of steaming hot coffee in hand. It was early February, and his heart felt heavy. He sighed and smiled at the large pup that ran and played in the snow with the kids. Hope seemed to have a huge grin on her canine face as the kids packed snowballs and threw them into the air for her to catch.

The cowboy chuckled, then turned toward Drina's cabin, his mood soured at the sight. Inside, he knew Drina was packing for the Valentines Day concert. She had reminded him of the commitment the night before and asked if the kids could stay on the ranch with him.

* * *

"I just think, especially with them in school, they would be better off here with you."

"Drina, are you sure about this? They're your family."

Drina smiled sadly, "If I take them with me, they'll have to study with a tutor again and they would fight it. Then they'd just fall back into their old habits, and the sadness that almost overtook them."

He shook his head as if to rid himself of the memory. 'She didn't ask if she could stay, she didn't even say she wanted to - she didn't say she loved me either.'

* * *

Drina pulled out of Yancy's tight embrace and smiled. "Yancy, thank you for everything."

The older man smiled, "No problem, Little Miss. If you need...."

"I won't hesitate to call you - you're sooo much like my dad. You... you fill that void in an amazing, wonderful way." Drina smiled and turned to Lillie and her daughters.

Eve and Kassi both stepped into her outstretched arms and returned her hug. "I'm gonna miss you girls."

They chattered over one another as they returned her hug and stepped back. Drina smiled at both Rowdy and Bobbi and hugged them tight. She placed a kiss on Rowdy's cheek.

"Call me if you need a shoulder to cry, or complain on, or you need a big brother to beat somebody up okay?"

She laughed and hugged him again. "That's a promise."

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now