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Four weeks later-

**** "Why couldn't they stay until after my birthday, or why couldn't they have just left Eli here?" Kyle asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Kyle! We've been over this so often I'm getting whiplash." Drina said, beginning to lose patience. Ben, Riley and Eli had returned to their farm a week ago and Kyle was at a complete loss without his constant buddy.

"Ben's attorney got their court date moved up. There was no way they were missing out on this chance, you know that."

"I knooow. I just, I'm bored. Things are just more fun with Eli around."

"You mean you have double the brain power to think of mischief to get into," Drina said dryly.

Kyle flopped down on the sofa. "It's not fair!"

"What's not fair?" Drina sighed and put the pen down, knowing there would be no more song writing to day. It had been going so well, too.

She had been getting some great work done, good quality songs, finally! Or, so she thought. Drina was beginning to think about extending their vacation and putting more effort into song writing and easing out of full time performing. Just writing songs, recording and doing an occasional concert. That would allow her to get the kids off the road and give them a more stable home life.

Things had been going well on the ranch. Well, at least until Eli left. They had finally got on the court docket for Ben to adopt Eli. Ben had wanted to give Eli plenty of time to get used to them being a family before introducing the idea of adoption. They were scheduled to appear before the judge later today. She couldn't wait to hear how it went.

"What's really behind all this, Kyle? I know you wouldn't have Eli miss out on getting Ben as a dad soooo what's going on buddy? Really?" Drina sat beside her younger brother and just waited.

"We always spend our birthdays together. Ever since we were little,"

Drina had to work to hide a grin at that.

"How can I have my birthday without my best friend?" He asked plaintively.

The light bulb went on. "I see," Drina didn't know why she hadn't thought of this before.

"You know, you can be best friends with someone you don't see very often. Just because you aren't together doesn't mean you can't stay close. This should give you an idea of how it's been for Kaylee all this time. You've always had Eli to pal around with and she's had no one, but us."

"Uuuuh!" Kyle flopped back against the sofa. "I know, but..."

"But nothing, Buddy. Life is changing all the time. We have to change with it. Look how our lives have changed just in the time we've been here."

He sighed, "I know. Ben's gonna be a great dad and Eli really likes him. They're gonna be doin' a lot of guy stuff together now. And I'm really glad about that, I am. I know what it's like to have a dad and Eli doesn't. They're gonna have lots of fun."

"A lot of fun that you'll miss out on." Drina observed.

"You make me sound like a spoiled brat." He complained, sneaking a peak at her.

"Weeeell," she said, "What's something you think you might like to do on your birthday since you can't be with Eli?"

"Anything?" He asked, with a secretive glance.

"Well, within reason. What's your idea?"

"I'd like to hang out with Beau, Rowdy, and Topper more often." He said enthusiastically. "That would be totally awesome! I really like them. They don't treat me like a little kid and they're always showing me how to do something that's really cool. And, don't make fun of me when I don't know how to do something. Just the other day, Topper showed me how to lasso a moving calf! It was great!"

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now