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**** Beau, Yancy, and Rowdy made the decision to bring the herd down from the mountain pastures early. After that hazardous surprise storm, they didn't want to take chances. Preparations were well under way. All weather predictions spoke of a hard, early winter. Added to this, all ranchers continued to lose cattle of varying numbers to both wolves and rustlers.

Several videos had been caught with surveillance cameras showing similar scenes. Huge wolves herding small numbers of cattle and taking orders from a couple of men on horseback. The horses wore coverings on their bodies, making identification impossible and their hooves were always covered so tracking attempts had been fruitless. The thefts occurred during dry weather so no tire impressions were ever found, even by the most experienced trackers.

While there had been no further attacks of humans, the size of the wolves captured on video and the prints that were found had everyone on edge. Sheriff Koni and her deputies were having no luck finding the thieves despite assistance from the State Police. All were taking considerable criticism because of it.

Sheriff Koni Black Feather was the only daughter of retired Sheriff Hos Black Feather and older sister of young Sheriff Deputy Bear Black Feather. Koni had worked her way through college as a Deputy for her father, had earned a Bachelors Degree in Law Enforcement and a minor in Criminal Law two years ago.

Her father retired shortly there after following a severe heart attack. Koni ran for the office when her brother Bear, decided not to. He didn't want the added responsibility, and liked being a  deputy as needed. He was a ranch hand at the 3B Ranch and was in the Army Reserves. He had no time to run the Sheriff's office.

No one really expected Koni to win the election, especially against one of the other deputies, who had ten years experience and she was fresh out of school. However, he was cocky, arrogant and known for making cowboy and Indian cracks. He had promised to bring the Sheriff's office out of the dark ages. Voters feared he would bring about severe racial problems, especially when he began making dispariging remarks against Koni.

He had anticipated winning to the extent that he called himself Sheriff several times. But, the voters spoke, the county had their first female Sheriff and the embarrassed deputy resigned immediately and moved out of state much to everyone's relief.

Unlike Deputy Dogg, Koni, her father and brother were very well liked and respected in the Department, the courts, community and on the reservation. Deputy Doggie as he was known in secret had made no bones about disliking having to take orders from an, "Injun," as he disrespectfully called Sheriff Hos.

* * *

It was important to get the cattle closer to the ranch for the safety of animals and ranch workers alike. The loss of even a few head of cattle could be a blow to any ranch, but the loss of a human life was totally unacceptable. The level of danger in the air was such that Beau had even considered refunding the remaining guest's fees and sending them home. This idea had been met with a considerable disagreement. They had come to take part in the entire ranching experience, good and bad. They respected and trusted Beau, Yancy, Rowdy, Topper and the rest too much to leave them in the lurch.

Beau was uncomfortable with the idea of Drina, and the kids being part of the round up. He told himself that she and Jade were the only adult female guests left and he felt responsible for their safety. He spoke of this to Yancy and Rowdy and was promptly laughed out of the cabin.

"It's not safe anymore." Beau argued.

"The way things are, it's not safe for any of us, son." Yancy answered quietly, biting his cheek. "Why don't you just admit you care for the girl and get it over with? Not to mention that Jade and Topper might not agree either. That girl is completely smitten with the man."

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now