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**** Drina sat next to the bed with the little heifer in her lap. The calf had already taken down one bottle and was working on her second. The pup had already taken two thirds of a bottle and was now curled up next to Beau on the bed.

Drina watched his breathing very closely. His fever had continued to climb since they entered the cabin about two hours ago. Though he fought, she kept a cool cloth on his forehead, attempting to get his temp down. She knew that she had to get the generator started soon. Eve had told her that every emergency cabin had a locator button inside, but for that to work the emergency power had to be on.

Before she could do that however, she wanted to make sure that Beau and the animals were well taken care of. She looked outside at the storm that only seemed to be getting worse.

"Lord, thank You for bringing us to safety. I ask You now, please help us to make it through this nightmare. Give me the strength and knowledge to help him in his hour of need. Give him the strength to fight this illness as it fights to take him from me. I ask this in Your Blessed name, Amen."

As the heifer finished her second bottle, the cowboy woke and began coughing once again. The sound sent dread sliding down her spine. His face was beet red when he was finally able to take a breath. Drina put the calf down and placed her hand over Beau's forehead. He was out of breath and attempted to sit up to breath easier. She folded another blanket and placed it behind his head in an effort to assist.

"How's that, any better?" He nodded and she stroked his damp hair back and wiped the sweat from his face with the cool cloth. "Beau, can you hear me?"

He opened his eyes to meet hers. They were glazed with fever as he rasped out, "The... others...?"

"They all made it back safely. As soon as the storm eases, Rowdy and Yancy will set out with a search party. All you have to do is hang on till then."

Cough... cough... "You... should have... stayed put."

"Don't give me that, tough guy. You would have done the same."

He coughed, "...different..." he looked at her through half closed eyes.

Drina slid her hand through his thick damp hair. "No, no, it's not."

After he slipped into a fitful sleep, she pulled the blanket up to his chin, put more wood on the fire and threw on her heavy coat and his hat. She steeled herself for the bone chilling cold. Wind and snow swirled around her and into the cabin as she fought to close the door. Making sure one end of the rope was secured to the cabin, she tied the other end around her waist, grabbed a shovel and slowly worked her way through the thigh high snow. When she finally got through to the shed, she dug the snow from the door. Once inside, she studied the generator.

"Just great, Drina. You came all the way out here and you have no idea how to start the thing!" She lifted her flash light and was surprised by the size of it. The generator was smaller than she thought it would be. She studied it and found the pull cord.

"No problem. Just like starting a lawnmower." Drina began pulling hard on the cord. After three attemps the motor turned over, chugged a few times then purred like a kitten.

* * *

Kassi looked out the window and worried over the promise she had made to Drina. The storm had worsened, and if anything had happened to Drina it was her fault. The teenager shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Drina." With that she turned, ran for the kitchen, and called out. "Yancy, Rowdy!"

* * *

Topper lay under the kitchen sink replacing one of the broken pipes Jade had asked him to look at. He was tighening the newly replaced joint. His hand slipped, causing him scrape his knuckles.

The Topper cursed under his breath and sucked on the  injured hand. "Well, shoot. That's gonna need stitches."

"Topper!" The intensity of Kassi's voice startled him to the point the pilet shot up, slamming his forehead into the wood above his head.

"Ouch!" The former Ace rubbed the reddening mark on his forehead with a bleeding hand.

"Dodaeche mwoya, Kassandra?!" (What on earth, Kassandra?!)

The young man continued to mutter under his breath in Korean.

Kassi winced, "Sorry, Topper. But, it's an emergency, I need to talk to you guys, I swear. Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yes." He growled, "I'm alright. What is this about an emergency?"

Topper looked her in the eyes for a long moment. He didn't know what was going on, but what ever it was, she was terrified.

Pushing himself off the floor he grabbed the towel and dried his hands, holding the towel over the injury. With a nod, "Very well then. Let's call Rowdy and Yancy and you can explain everthing."

Before Topper even had his walkie pulled from his belt, Kassi blurted out. "Drina's gone!"

* * *

Beau groaned as someone lifted his head and placed a steaming cup of broth to his lips. He tried to turn his face away, and was amazed by the strength of his nursemaid.

"Honey, you need to drink this."

Whoever she was, her voice was soft and sweet. Like an angel's. It sounded as if from far away, yet he was sure he had heard it before. He did as she asked and grimaced as the swallowing action sent pain coursing down his throat.

"That's it. Small sips."

When he had taken all he could, his angel lay him back down on the pillow. A cold, wet nose touched his neck then a warm, wet tongue lapped at his cheek. The coldness of the pup's nose sent a shock wave through his body.

He forced his eyes to open a crack. The world was hazy and a sharp shaft of pain pierced his head. He groaned and tried to remember where he was and who was with him, but couldn't. Moments later darkness took him again.

* * *

Drina sighed with relief when he fell back to sleep. The more he slept, the better his chances. But, she wished his fever would break. In an hour she could give him another dose of tylenol. Three hours ago it had been Ibuprofen. Continuing the pattern should help reduce it further. It just wasn't fast enough to suit her.

Having done all she could, Drina was at loose ends but couldn't lay down. The horses were content and out of the weather, the pup, calf and man were sleeping. There was plenty of wood provided they didn't have to stay long. The cabin was well stocked with food, blankets and medical supplies.

She had given him a cool bath to cut the fever's hold three times now. It would come down for a while, but go back up again. He was becoming more and more restless with fever dreams. He rambled about Iran and needing more fire power. He called for a medic, and ordered someone to guard the prisoner.

He called his dad and begged him not to die. He promised to be good if only his dad would stay. He told his Rangers to stay close, quiet and alert, the enemy was waiting and watching.

She hadn't yet found the call-in button Lillie told her about so no one knew where they were. She was tired, so tired and decided that maybe a nap would help. She stoked the fire, put more snow in the pot for water and checked on Beau. His temp might be down a little, "Thank You, Lord."

She lay down on the other bunk and was quickly asleep. She saw the cabin, but it was hazy and someone was at the door. Then, there he was.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now