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**** The October weather was already colder than any Drina and the twins were used to. The songbird hadn't planned on extended cold weather when she packed for their vacation, and what they did have was not sufficient for the severe cold they had been told to expect. So, a day of shopping was required.

Drina had gained permission to take Ava along, and as Kyle did not want to be seen with "a bunch of girls" they were making it a girl's day out with Bobbi driving the SUV.

"I've never had so much fun in my whole life!" Ava smiled after a huge bite of pizza. "This has been great!"

"Me too!" Kaylee agreed.

"Me three," Bobbi, and Drina both said at the same time causing them all to laugh.

Neither Ava or Kaylee ever had the opportunity to spend a day out shopping with the girls, and had thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Beau'd instructed Bobbi to get whatever she thought Ava might need and to plan on her being outside more. As she usually had to watch the ranch kids from the picture window, Ava was thrilled over the idea, and looked forward to helping make a snowman.

"The only thing that could make it better was if Jade was here too." Kaylee said.

"Well, yeah." Bobbi added, "but I think her dinner with Topper is gonna be the best medicine. She seems to feel safest with him."

The girls then started up into sing song voices, "Jade and Topper sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g." Giggle, giggle.

Bobbi and Drina rolled their eyes, "Okay girls." Drina hid her smile behind her glass.

Bobbi changed the subject, "How do you like you new snow walker, Ava?"

The girls' eyes lit up, "I love it!"

Beau had taken an older walker with a seat and attached skis to the feet. He'd worked it so they would be flipped up when not in use. This allowed Ava to be safely in the snow, and on the ice.

Bobbi didn't want to ruin the surprise by telling them that Beau had planned a skating day along with hot chockolate, cooking hotdogs, polish sausages and roasting marshmallows over an open fire.

He'd also set up an ice fishing zone until the last of November. The ranch had several ponds that were suitable and safe when frozen. Now, if they could just get the rustler/Rodney thing taken care of.

* * *

In order to get a larger number of styles to choose from, the girl group drove three hours to Missoula, the largest city in Montana. After a day of shopping, laughing and talking, they had decided to relax over mugs of hot chocolate, coffee, and pizza. Bobbi sighed and contentedly looked around the mall. Suddenly, she put her cup down with a thump, splashing hot coffee on her hand and the table, with no sign of pain.

Drina thought that in itself was odd, but became alarmed at the sudden pallor in Bobbi's face.

Drina gently dabbed at the spilled coffee with a napkin. "Bobbi? Is something wrong? Are you all right? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Bobbi looked down and back at a sporting goods store, her breathing becoming labored. Noting the direction of Bobbi's gaze, Drina looked as well.

Just outside the store two men were arguing. One, older and distinguished looking, dressed in what the ranch kids called, "dude clothes."

Expensive boots with embroidered cacti and desert scenes worn over brand new Wranglers, creased to a point. His jacket was fitted brown suede with the same embroidered desert scene on the front and back yokes. His shirt was a red and blue plaid cowboy cut with blue pearlized snaps. His hat was snow white with a brown suede leather band, a circle of silver dollars decorating it.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now