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**** The storm turned out to be as bad as the weather channel had warned. Drina had originally convinced herself that Beau had been overly cautious, and used the situation to get her out of his hair for awhile. He seemed to do an awful lot of deep breathing, looking down at his boots when she wanted to help with the cattle. It took Ava gently explaining to her that the rhinestone and sequined outfits spooked the herds. She felt that maybe... just maybe she should give him a break. She had began to accept that he really was a cowboy and didn't do the horse and roping stuff for show. The discovery was hard to swallow and made her feel petty.

She wanted to prove that she could help getting the herd in. On their way to the stables she had time to cool down and imagined the ranch hands would be difficult to deal with and had anticipated some resistance. She was pleasantly surprised when the only things said were specific likes, dislikes, or needs of each animal as well as genuine appreciation.

She, Ryley and Ben were astounded when Lynden had galloped his high priced steed full speed back to the stable. He jumped off and left the animal alone, saddled and winded. The animal was sweaty with steam rising off its wet coat. The man however was nowhere to be seen, and the poor horse had simply been left out in the open, cooling air.

"Oh no," Jade breathed, "He knows a horse shouldn't be ridden like that and just left!"

She immediately began unsaddling the exhausted animal and rubbing him down with a sweat scraper and a dry towel. She put him in the designated stall and placed a blanket over the quivering body. After she gave him feed and warm water, she filled the hay rack and rubbed his neck, whispering kind words, then took care of her mare who was in much better shape. She  crooned apologies about making her wait for her turn. She chuckled as the mare lovingly whuffed her hair, obviously forgiving her.

Drina, Riley and Ben were amazed at the difference between the two siblings. They too had been asked to return to the stable and for the same reason. She helped the others care for the others animals and grinned when a rider thanked her. Loving their own horses as they did, it was unfathomable that Lynden had ridden a horse with such carelessness and simply left it to chill. They knew that someone had to report the infraction, but who?

As it turned out, Jade surprised them all by reporting it herself to Topper and requested that she be allowed to deal with it. While he had qualms about her confronting the overbearing, and in his opinion abusive man, he agreed. Afterwards, he reported the incident to Beau as well as his decision to step back, but with the intention to check in with her later.

The longer Drina was there, the more impressed she became with the total atmosphere and camaraderie of everyone who lived and worked on the ranch. The "dudes," were not treated as such unless they played the part consistently. Jade's brother Lynden, fit into this category. With all the asphalt and sidewalks, the ranch according to him, was too dusty and the expectation that they keep their own horses stalls clean was appalling.

Lynden complained that he had the beginnings of callouses on his hands from useing the pitchforks! His boots actually got manure on them and no one was designated to clean and polish them. The visitors were also expected to prepare their own breakfast! Lunch and dinner was prepared and served buffet style in the building known as the food factory. How quaint. Even worse, there was no room service!

The ranch, Drina had quickly learned ran like clockwork with everyone knowing their job and doing it. There were no laggers and no prompting unless an unexpected problem occurred which required a higher level decision. Drina was impressed with the respect the hands extended toward Beau, and that it appeared to be returned. He carried his authority easily as did Yancy, Rowdy, Sherlock and Topper. They did not give orders exactly, but rather stated what was needed and where. The hands accepted the job according to their experience.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now