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Eight hours later -

**** Beau looked up into the darkening sky as the snow came down just that little bit harder. The wind picked up, causing the snow to swirl into his face, making it hard to see.

"Looks like that storm is movin' in early." He said to the others over his walkie. "I'm goin' to keep searching for that heffer. We can't afford to lose her. Y'all head back to base. I need you all to get the cattle, and horses settled."

He looked up to the sky and mentally added, 'Rowdy, get my stubborn sister home.'

Topper shook his head, "That is not a good idea, Boss! What if the weather gets worse? You could be trapped out here alone."

Beau reassured him, "One of the emergency cabins is less than a mile due East of here. I'll be fine. The cabin has a lean to, so Kitt, and the cow will be out of the elements and safe."

* * *

Rowdy lifted the walkie to his lips as Bobbi looked at him worry in her eyes. "He knows what he's doin', Top."

Topper responded, "Affirmative, Topper out."

* * *

Beau nodded and spoke into the walkie. "Rangers..."

All the former rangers answered his call with one of their own. "Lead the way!"

Beau grinned, "Bossman out."

* * *

Having heard everything over their own walkies, the former-Marines and SEALs chuckled to themselves.

Bobbi looked at Rowdy with a lifted brow. "What, was that?"

Rowdy looked at her with a half smile. "That has gotten us all through hell and back many times. It's part of the creed. When times were rough we'd do just that to remind ourselves that we're a team and it help keep us together as a unit."

"Uh-huh." She answered.

* * *

The week prior to Christmas, Lillie always hosted a luncheon for the hand's wives, and children. They'd compared notes and decided who would bring what to the ranch Christmas Eve supper. Bobbi normally baked enough cookies for an army, but since she was still out with the men, Drina had volunteered to be the chief cooki-nader.

She'd baked cookies for the twins before but never of this magnitude. Dozens upon dozens of cookies. Cookies of every Christmas shape, size and color were on every flat surface in the kitchen. The twins and Ava had a ball icing and decorating Christmas trees, snowmen, reindeer, wreaths, stars, Santas, packages, holly leaves, gingerbread men, and stockings.

Yancy, Kassi, and Jade headed for Drina's cabin with some of Lillie's candy decorations. Kassi was telling Jade a funny joke just as Drina burst from the cabin yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Aaaaaaa! Fire, fire!" she danced around and ran back and forth in the snow, eyes wide, black smoke pouring from the screen door.

Yancy and Kassi broke into a run to get to her. Jade stood frozen in shock, her gloved hands covering her now open mouth.

Yancy removed his coat and threw it at Drina and headed into the house. Luckily, Kyle and the girls were at the main house making a snow man. It was Ava's first so they were very serious and meticulous with its appearance.

All three kids stopped and looked up as one when Drina ran out of the cabin. As Yancy ran through the door he yelled, "Where's the fire extinguisher?"

"Fire, oh! Yes, fire extinguisher."

Yancy's calm demeanor jerked her out of panic mode and jump started her brain. "I-it's by the stove on the wall. Why didn't I think of that?"

As Yancy put the oven fire out he suggested that three ladies begin opening windows to let the smoke out.

"Yancy, I'm so sorry. I'll replace the stove and pay for any smoke damage."

"We were goin' over a list of the ranch kitchen appliances a few months ago. Lillie remembered that one of the stoves was probably due for replacement, but couldn't remember which cabin it was in. I think you found it." He said chuckling and coughing.

* * *

Beau worked his way along the wide crevice as he listened to the sound of a cow's painful bellowing. It wasn't long before he found her and dismounted. The area where she'd fallen was at least ten feet deep. He tied his rope to the saddle horn and threw the rest down the crevice.

It was painstaking work to make his way to the bottom of the ravine. An injured cow lay on her side, eyes wide with pain and fear. He knelt beside her head and stoked her jaw.

"Easy, girl. Ya really landed yourself in a mess this time."

He began to examine her closely and sighed with resignation when he found her badly broken leg. There was nothing he could do for her and he knew it.

He shook his head as he pulled his pistol from it's holster. "Sorry, girl."

The sound of the weapon's discharge echoed off the walls of the cavern. He sighed knowing that he couldn't take the carcass, so he covered it as best to keep hidden.

* * *

Back at the main house the residents all turned to look outside. "Was, that a shot?" Drina asked.

Yancy nodded. "The others have returned, so I would say Beau just found the cow."

"I don't understand." She looked at Lillie.

The older woman sighed. "He had to put her down, dear. That is the only reason he'd fire his weapon, except in self defense, and in that case we most likely would've heard more than one shot. The wind must be blowing in just the right direction for us to have heard it."

* * *

Beau stood and began looking for the calf. A low bleating caught his attention. Hidden under a ledge was a young calf and to his shock and surprise snuggled up against her side was a tiny wolf pup.

The pup whined and whimpered with fear as he knelt before them. She looked half starved, and terrified.

He lay flat and held his hand out to the pup. "Easy, litle one."

Her eyes widened as she pushed herself closer to the calf and whimpered. Beau let her smell his hand then gently picked her up. He could feel her ribs beneath the thickly matted fur. "Aren't you the little lady."

He smiled and slipped her into his heavy coat, then turned back to the calf. "Ok, baby. Let's get you two outta here."

He worked her out of the little cave, then carried her and the pup back to the rope. This would take some thinking.

Beau tied the rope around his waist and let out a singsong whistle. Kitt nodded his head with a nicker then slowly backed up as commanded. As the stallion pulled, Beau worked his way slowly up the steep incline. He had to feel his way, and slipped banging his knee twice.

The pup snuggled in closer to his warm chest. She was still cold, and the wet fur sent chills through his entire body.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now