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**** While Sheriff Koni and her deputies inspected the crime scene and the surrounding area, Beau saddled Kitt. He'd packed his survival gear along with Kitt's weather blanket, and some emergency rations. The other men had done the same. He and Sheriff Koni had inspected the damage to the barbed wire fence and found it had indeed been cut and the cattle taken.

While the Sheriff and deputies continued their careful investigation, he and the men would have to go after the strays or lose them to the elements. He hated not being in on the search for evidence, but ranch business had to come first. He and all the hands who had been Rangers, Marines, and SEALs were auxiliary deputies and could handle things that come up unexpectedly.

Before they left, Deputy Bear let out a whoop of success. He'd found the wire cutters with what looked like some blood, skin and a boot print.

Finally! Possible evidence. It was immediately bagged and Bear was in the process of casting the print which was somewhat unusual but somewhat familiar to the deputy. It kept getting more convoluted.

Beau was double checking the saddle girth when Drina and Bobbi entered the stables. Bobbi was dressed much like the men and carried a survival kit. Drina carried a beautiful silk scarf that she had bought on their shopping trip.

"I'm comin' too." Bobbi crossed her arms, and stood as tall as was physically possible for her 5'2" height to allow.

Both Beau and Rowdy just stared at her open mouthed for a long moment. It was Rowdy who found his voice first.

"Like heck you are!"

Beau shook his head. "No, Bobbi. It's just not safe. We have no idea where the cattle are, or if the rustlers are still out there. These men know what they're doin'. You haven't been out on the ranch in the snow like this in several years. No, way!"

Drina watched the scene unfold. It became harder and harder not to let the siblings see her laugh. She'd come to understand Bobbi well enough to know that she was going to get her way. The men didn't stand a chance, and Drina couldn't help it. She was going to enjoy the show.

"Look, big brother. I love you, but I'm not a little girl any more! I can take care of myself, I have a good eye for details, I'm good with a gun and the cattle! I'll be a help not a hindrance. I'm coming, cowboy! Deal with it!"

Beau's face darkened as he took a menacing step forward and put his face inches from hers. "Little sister, you stick to what you know best, and leave the dangerous work to the men!"

As they stood there glaring at each other Topper enterd the stable. He took one look at the tense scene, turned around and left. Drina having seen his reaction covered her mouth to hold in the laughted that was becoming increasingly difficult to control.

Before Beau could say more one of the hands called out, "Boss, we need ya over here."

Beau grimaced, spun toward Rowdy and gave him a look of total frustration, "She's your woman, you deal with her!" And stalked away.

Drina's jaw dropped in shocked silence as she watched him leave. His shoulders were stiff in outrage. She'd only ever seen Beau this angry once before.

Rowdy's growl of frustration caught her attention so she turned back to his argument with Bobbi. Drina covered her mouth and again worked hard not to laugh. Bobbi had Rowdy pinned against the fence. The little lawyer was poking him in the very center of his chest.

"I'm the third B! This ranch is as much mine as it is Beau and Brett's! That means those cattle are a third mine! Neither one of you has the legal right to make me stay here!"

Rowdy sighed, gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. "Baby, look. I know you're good on the trail, with the horses and the cattle. I also know you have a good eye for details, I know that. But, we don't know what we're goin' to find, this could be a trap. We'd all be lookin' to protect you first, and someone could get hurt. How would you feel then?"

Her eyes hardened. "So is that all I am to you?! A little girl to look after!"

She took a step closer. "Let's review! I hunt, I fish, I'm a crack shot with a bow, handgun, shotgun and rifle! Earp is faster than any of your nags! Also, I know this ranch like the back of my hand. You know I can handle myself out there! You also know I'll just follow you anyway." She turned and flounced to the stall where her horse, Earp stood waiting.

Drina cleared her throat and both parties turned to look at her in unison. "Maybe, everyone should take a step back and breathe for a moment. There's too much stress in here, and I should point out that your raised voices are spooking the horses. Not to mention that the rest of the hands are watching. They're worried enough as it is. Your anger is just making things worse."

Bobbi turned and noticed that the hands were indeed watching them with concerned looks. She sighed and turned back to Rowdy, her hand on the stall door. Her eyes met his with pleading.

Rowdy strode up and took her shoulders in his strong hands. "Look, honey. I know you want to go. Believe me I do, but with everythin' that has been happening and all that you've been through, what if somethin' triggers a flash back? What if they're out there, and he is one of them? What then, are you sure you could handle that?"

"Rowdy, look. I need to go. The Runt is out there. He has a major part in all of this..." she waved her hands around.

"I want to help take him down. No, I need to have a part in this. You can't deny me that. I need to know that what he did to me and Eve, That he'll never have the opportunity to do it to another child. Besides, he's hurt all of us. Not just this ranch, but some of the small ranches that were really hurt by the loss of cattle. You may need a lawyer there to keep both you and Beau off of him. So you can take me along, or I can strike out on my own. It's up to you, Drina will go with me. Won't ya, Drina."

Drina's eyes widened and she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Uhh, yeah. Sure. I can run in and get ready now if you like."

Bobbi turned back to Rowdy "See...!"

He raised his hands in submission. "Okay, fine, but you stay with me." He groaned giving Drina a good frown and turned to get Bobbi's gelding from his stall. "Beau's gonna kill me."

After he had disappeared into the stall Drina leaned against the wall and began laughing harder than she had in years. She couldn't even wave as Rowdy led Earp down the aisle to tack him up.

Topper poked his head back into the stable, "Excuse me. Is it safe to enter?"

This question sent Drina back into histarics as she nodded. She politely waited for him join the other hands before she turned back to Bobbi.

Suddenly the women heard, "She's what?! I depended on you to handle her, not the other way around."

The next sound was Drina's laughter and several of the hands muffled chuckles.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now