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Jimin was sitting at the school library reading a very interesting book about the Korean War. He was too entertained by it that he didn't acknowledge Yoongi walking in.

"So, we need to speed things up."

Jimin looked up and stared at Yoongi who was eating a banana. He gulped as he pointed to the library sign which read "no food or loud talking allowed".

"This is important! Johnny is now talking to his virgin and I'm not letting him beat me."

"No loud talking is allowed. You can't eat either." He whispered going back to his reading.

Yoongi snatched the book from his hands and Jimin looked up startled with wide eyes. "That's rude!" He whispered screamed.

"ThAt'S rUdE." He mocked as he got up from the table.

"You coming?" He added. Jimin rolled his eyes and followed him out.

"This better be really important for you to interrupt my reading."

"It is! Did you not hear me? Johnny is going to beat me. I am not going to loose to Johnny, okay?"

"Okay. Fine. So what do we do then?" He asked crossing his arms across his chest.

Yoongi hummed as he took another bite of the banana. Jimin looked away his heart sinking a bit.

"What? You want a bite?" He teased with a smirk.

"No, I actually don't like bananas." He whispered.

"What? This is the good shit right here. All that potassium and shit."

"I just—I can't even look at them."

"What did bananas even do to you?"

"Chanyeol loves them. We always ate them together. He knows I like mine a little green. The last time we talked he had told me he would give me one during the weekend and...he never did."

Yoongi nodded, "Well, it's not the bananas fault. You need to eat one to get over it. Come on have a bite."

Jimin looked at it and shook his head no. "You don't understand. It's not the banana itself it's the memorie—"

Yoongi shoved it in his mouth before he could finish. "I don't want you to be sad. Just take a bite."

Jimin did and Yoongi smiled. "Good."

He chewed indecisively as the tears brimmed his eyes. Yoongi looked at him and once again he felt soft.

"This one time I liked this girl so much. She loved eating barbecue chips. After we stopped talking I didn't eat barbecue chips for years. Then I realized that didn't do no good, you know? I understand why you can't look at certain things without triggering memories. But tell me, how is avoiding memories going to help you heal? You still think about him don't you? So why stop eating or doing things you enjoy simply because that person likes them too? Don't let him take that from you either."

"Okay, I'm trying it's just hard." Jimin sighed with a pout. Yoongi winced it physically hurt to see a pout on his face.

God, he couldn't bare it.

"Oh, fuck, please kick my throat." Yoongi pleaded.


"That would hurt less than seeing you pout!"

Jimin's face turned pink. "I-I-I-" he began to feel extremely nervous and started stuttering.

"Shut up. Let's continue with the plan." Yoongi said quickly changing the topic.


"Alright, so in order to make the school and Johnny to think we are a thing we need to hang out more. Act like a couple and shit. Do you still follow Chanyeol on Instagram?"

"Yeah." Jimin admitted a little ashamed. He couldn't bring himself to unfollow him.

"Great. So post something and I'll comment something cute and flirty."

"Okay. That sounds good."

"Yeah. One more thing... accept my damn request!" Yoongi shrieked.

"Fine! Stop screaming at me." Jimin said scrunching his nose up. He pulled out his phone and logged in.

"Feisty." Yoongi whispered.

Jimin kept looking at his phone to prevent his face from turning red. Yoongi spotted Johnny and some of the football players walking in the distance.

"What's that on your hand?" Yoongi asked.

"Huh? What?" Jimin wondered.

"Oh, shit, let me see." He grabbed his hand and then intertwined his fingers between Jimin's tiny ones.

"Fits right in." He said with a grin.

Jimin's heart started to raise. Yoongi's hand was incredibly soft and warm. Johnny went by and raised his eyebrows at, Yoongi.

Yoongi responded with a smirk. "He definitely thinks we are something." He chuckled.

"Y-yeah." Jimin responded.

"Alright cool. So don't forget to upload a picture."


"What's my name on your phone?" Yoongi wondered. Jimin was starting to sweat because he still hadn't let go of his hand.

Jimin handed him the phone and Yoongi looked at him surprised. "You trust me that much? Love the confidence baby love."

He gasped embarrassed. "Get used to it." Yoongi responded as he scrolled through his contacts.


"Yes, because you stay showing up uninvited."

"That's not cute. You're supposed to name me something adorable."

"Fine. Let me see."

Jimin took the phone back with his free hand and edited he contact name. "There." He said satisfied.

"Mayonnaise?" Yoongi laughed.

"Yeah. You know how couples always have this thing between them? Like Chanyeol and I had bananas and that was our thing."

"So, you want our thing to be mayonnaise?" He asked amused.

"Yeah, since you always bring it up." He said rolling his eyes.

"Alright waterboy."

"What's my name in your phone huh?" Jimin wondered.

Yoongi pulled his phone out and showed him. "Little shit? That's not cute! You have to change it!"

"Fine. You ask for so much." Yoongi groaned as he edited the name.

"I ask for too much? Have you met yourself? You're bossy and—"

"There I changed it." Yoongi said interrupting his ranting.

"Cute little shit? Come on you can do better."

"No that's as cute as it can get. Either take it or go back to Little Shit."

"Agh, I take it." Jimin said.

"Cool. Oh shit," Yoongi said finally realizing they never let go hands.

"Yeah, let go of my hand it's super sweaty." Jimin said trying to play it cool.

"Better get use to the sweat. There will be lots of it." He whispered in his ear.

Jimin's mouth dropped and Yoongi let go as he laughed.

"Bye, waterboy."

Yoongi walked down the steps and Jimin watched him. He took a deep breath when Yoongi was finally far enough.

Lately, that boy had been taking his breath away.

Waterboy [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now