He Was No Monster, He Was My Best Friend (Victor Crowley x Reader)

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You always hear the stories about the legend that is the monster known as Victor Crowley, well I'm going to tell you the truth about the man they call a monster. Before the ghost, before the curse of the swamp, back when poor Victor was just a misunderstood human who god dealt a bad hand. He may have looked different, hell he may have even acted differently than everyone else, but he was the sweetest, most loving, caring person I've ever met in my life, even to this day.

You see, I met Victor when a group of kids in my town said we were going to go see a monster. I, being young, wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to see something new and different. When we got to the Crowley cabin, they did what they always did; set fire works to make noise and make poor Victor run outside, crying.

But when I saw him cry, when I saw how frightened he was, I couldn't just stand there. I had to do something. I started yelling at the other people with me, talking about how they shouldn't be doing this and that they scared him, and that he's a person, too.

The leader of the group spoke up and said, "You're going to regret sticking up for that monster." Then, he yelled at victor and told him they'd be back for him soon.

Victor continued to cry and was just oh-so-scared. I sat with him and hugged him to comfort him. He eventually calmed down and smiled; he was so happy to finally have a friend and I was happy to be his friend.

Every day after that, I would go to the Crowley cabin and visit Victor. His father became used to seeing me and he was so happy I was his boy's friend. I would help feed Victor and I would cuddle him really tight to help him fall asleep. In a lot of ways I became his girlfriend, but a girlfriend that was way more of a best friend. I loved him and he loved me. This was the happiest we'd been, until that faithful night when Sampson and those damn bullies came back for Victor.

They burned his house down, and of course, you know the story. His father tried to get in to help, but he hit him in the face with a hatchet by mistake. I was so depressed when I got the news. I still came to the place where the cabin would have been the next day, crying because I should have been there but I was out being distracted by others who knew what was happening.

I lost my best friend that night and I could never forgive myself. I kept trying to go see Mr. Crowley, but he was just too torn apart with grief. He eventually passed away himself from a broken heart. Part of me died with those two as well.

To this day, I can't forgive myself for what happened to my best friend and the sweetest person I've ever met, Victor Crowley. That's the true story of who and how Victor really was. He was no ghost and he was no monster; he was my best friend. He was.

Now, however, I say to listen to this warning. Beware the swamp.

You never know if Victor could still be there, looking for vengeance on anyone who shows up, thinking that they are the ones that took his dad and best friend away.

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