22 | Day Log 🍃

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I held the bunny close to me as I clicked 'buy' on Etsy.

"Alright it should be here by the end of today." I said happily before looking down at the bunny.

I smiled before feeling my eyes droop slightly.

"I think it's time for a nap while we wait for your stuff. What do you think?" I asked the bunny.

I didn't receive a response.

"Sounds good to me."


There was knocking as my eyes opened.

"Hyung, this came for you-"

"Thanks." I said, quickly getting up and taking the box.

I opened it, smiling as I pulled out the contents; microwaveable heat packs, swaddle blankets, small bottles and the most important thing; the adjustable fleece sling.

I checked the time.

I had to go shopping with Jimin since we were leaving tomorrow.

Graduation was today too.

I needed to shower.

I took the bunny, and a heat pack into the kitchen before putting the pack in the microwave for 25 seconds.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked as he entered the kitchen. "It's still alive?"

I nodded before taking out the pack.

It wasn't too hot or too warm.

Body temperature.


"I'm going for a shower." I stated before going back up the stairs and entering the bathroom.

I placed the heat pack on the bathroom counter before slowly taking the bunny off my chest for the first time since the night before.

I slowly placed it down; in response the bunny cuddled into it.

It was going to work.


"So how's the bunny?" Jimin asked as he noticed I wasn't holding it.


"Then where is it?" He asked as he began searching for it.

I smiled and pulled the neck of my loose hoodie forward, revealing the fleece sling and the bunny sleeping soundly inside it.

"That's so cute~" he cooed as I began to drive. "Did you hear about the fire?"

"What fire?"

"The fire at school. Half the school burnt down due to faulty wiring. Our graduation ceremony isn't until the fall since they want to rebuild first."


"I know. So where are we off to?"

"Well," I began, "I need to stop at the pet store to grab formula for this little guy." I paused. "Then to the grocery store to grab snacks."

"Are they gonna let you bring it on the plane?" Jimin asked, I nodded.

"I registered it online as a comfort animal."

"You're devoted."

"He's my lil' baby." I cooed.

"He?" Jimin asked, I shrugged once again as I pulled into the parking lot of the pet store.

"I assume it's a boy, he's edgy like that."

"Oh yeah, is that right?" Jimin chuckled.

We parked and got out.

"I also need to buy more loose shirts, or else it's going to look like my heart is falling out of my chest."


"Can we get some freeze dried fruit?" Jimin asked as we walked down the snack aisle. "Not mangos though."

"You don't like mangos?"

Jimin shook his head.

I looked at my phone while Jimin picked out snacks.

"We have to go get puppy pads."

"Why?" Jimin asked as he placed bags of snacks into the basket.

"Because they start peeing and pooping 4 days after they're born apparently, I want to be prepared. I also need hay, food, and a water container."

Jimin chuckled before wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You're such a good dad."


"Alright, I'll be here to pick you up at 4. Remember your passport and any other documents for traveling. Bring a blanket maybe and a pillow? Just comfy things for road trips."

"Okay." He smiled as we stood at his door. "I'll see you later." He then pecked my lips.

"Bye." I blushed, he smiled and returned the gesture before we split ways and I began heading home.


"Tomorrow's a big day you know?" I said to the bunny.

I had decided to call him 'Milo'.

It just felt right.

And so did he.


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