Chapter 4

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The next 2 months flew very quickly for the Shah family. Hana gave her MCAT test and once again, she was on the top.

Hana's parents started to search for the best medical colleges and universities for Hana but they did not know that Hana has some other plans. They did not know that Hana has no interest in medical.

Hana's POV

I can see my lovely parent's happiness. Their radiant and glowing faces told me that they are very happy and I have made them proud.

'I don't want to leave my parents and it is very difficult for me to study.' I thought with sweat on my forehead.

'I don't know how I got these good grades? I had not even studied this much to get position! If anyone got to know that I was reading novels instead of my course books during my exams then they surely are gonna ban me from novels.' I thought with a shudder.

'I am not gonna tell them! No way! Never gonna happen!' I thought.

'Now the hard part starts here!' I mentally prepared myself with a deep breath and knocked on my parents' door.

It is Sunday and they are in their room for an afternoon nap. When I heard a sleepy 'come in' from my mother, I opened the door and went in.

While standing in front of their bed, I just looked at my parents while they waited for me to say something.

"What is it, Love?" baba asked.

"I don't want to leave you guys to study somewhere else" I took a deep breath and blurted.

"No problem honey! We can get you admission in a nearby college or university. There are lots of medical universities in Islamabad also." Baba spoke calmly after some thinking.

'They are not understanding me. I don't want to get admission in any medical field! Now how am I gonna explain this to them?' I thought.

"No baba, mamma! I just don't want to get admission in any medical university. I just want to stay in home. I don't want to study anymore!" I finally blurted what I wanted to say.

I can see the shocked faces of my parents. They were very shocked that I want to miss this brilliant opportunity. I don't blame them because anyone in their place will be shocked to hear this.

"Why are you saying this dear? If you are worried about money and medical expenses then you know that we can easily afford them." mamma said after a brief pause while trying to understand my reason behind this.

"No mamma! It is not about money. I just don't like to study course books. I can do practical work easily but when it comes to theory, I just can't do it. It is a BIG no no!" I told them about my dislike for studies.

They were again shocked to silence. After a moment, baba gave a suppressed chuckle in amusement and mamma glared at him for chuckling. He covered his laugh with a forced cough.

I don't know what is so funny that baba is laughing and mamma is angry. So, I asked mamma!

"What's wrong mamma?"

"You are not gonna back off from studies just because you don't like them! You understand young lady?" mamma said angrily with a finger pointing in my direction.

"But mamma-!" I started to whine but mamma cut me off.

"Silence! I don't want to hear anything from you" mamma scolded.

My lips started to wobble and tears gathered in my eyes after being scolded by mamma.

"Don't be so harsh on her, Hiba! She is just a child! If she does not want to study any theoretical subject then no need to force her in it. We can search a practical subject for her!" baba said watching our interaction.

Mamma turned her glare towards baba for taking my side and said;

"It is all because of your leniency that she is like this!" Mamma scolded baba too.

"Don't be like that, Hiba! If one of our girls doesn't want to be a doctor then it is not going to make any difference. Hana can do whatever she wants to do! Okay, Hana?" baba said while taking my side.

A watery smile started to bloom on my face.

"Okay fine! But you are not allowed to waste even a single year of yours! Am I clear young lady?" mamma gave in after glaring at baba and asked me.

"Yes mamma! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I replied while excitedly hugging them both after jumping on their bed.

Both of them laughed while supporting my weight. Baba winked at me and mamma kissed me on the forehead.


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