Chapter 43

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"What the hell?!" He exclaimed with shock, anger and worry clearly visible on his face.

"Bhai, woh-" hana started as she was crouching on the floor near her Dado who was laying on the floor with her body, shaking. Hana was gripping her dado's both arms in her one hand and the other hand was pushing the injection on her stomach. Hana had fear written all over her face as she was looking at her brother who caught her doing this but she still push all the medicine that was in the injection in her dado's body.

"Bakwaas band! Ye kiya kr rahi thi? (Shut up! What were you doing?)" Zamid came back to his senses and hurriedly went towards Dadi jaan's unconscious body. He pushed hana and she fell on her butt. He tried to move his dadi jaan and tried to wake her up but no response. She stopped shaking and in his panic, Zamid shouted for his parents. From all this commotion, everyone gathered in the room to check what was going on.

Rayaan and Daniyal instantly went towards her and also tried to wake her up. Rayaan poured water on her but still no response. Zarmeena's father was already on the phone with his daughter. He told her that their Dadi jaan is not waking up and they are going to bring her to hospital so they should be ready for the emergency.

"Dadi jaan? Dadi Jaan, uthain! Uthain please! Come on, wake up! (Grandma! Grandma wake up please!)" Zayn said while lightly patting her cheeks.

"What have you done, hana? Why, huh!?" Zamid angrily asked her that why she was trying to kill their dadi jaan.

"I did not-" she began to clarify but he was not having any of it and cut her off again.

"I saw it with my own eyes! You tried to kill her!" He shouted before she could explain what actually happened.

"You better hope nothing happens to her or else I'll kill you!" He threatened hana while harshly holding her face in his hand. A mark was already showing on her cheeks after he pushed her away.

"Zamid! What are you talking about!?" Hiba asked with confusion as no one understood what was going on. Zayn and Rayaan had already picked their dadi jaan and went with Rayaan's father to the hospital in their car. They did not wait for the ambulance as they knew it can take a lot of time. Now, it was only hana, Zamid, Zeeniya, Daniyal, Hiba, Asfand, both of Hana's tayis and younger taya.

"Mama, you should be calling the police for this murderer that we gave sanctuary to!" Zamid said while glaring at hana who was looking scared as hell. She moved a little closer to her mother.

"How can you, Zamid!" hiba said with anger in her tone and glaring at him.

"What is wrong in this! Huh! She is not our blood! Infact, we don't even know whose sin she is!" Zamid kept on saying mockingly.

"ZAMID!" Hiba and Asfand shouted to make him stop.

"Mamma, Baba, dekhain na bhai kiya keh rahay hain! (Mamma, baba look what brother is saying!) I did not do anything! I promise! Please believe me!" hana grabbed her mother's sleeve and tugged on it! She pleaded for her parents to believe her. Hiba hugged her daughter instantly. She was trying to protect her from her brother and hiba was looking angrily at Zamid with tearful face.

"Zamid, you better keep your tongue in control!" their father, Asfand, became extremely angry at Zamid and shouted at him to stop his nonsense.


It was a bright, sunny day in Islamabad. The busy roads of Islamabad were filled with cars, bikes, rickshaws and other vehicles. You can even see the people rushing to reach their destination.

In the midst of all this hustle bustle, there is a beautiful couple in their mid-20's that looked very excited and happy. The driver was driving them to an orphanage.

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