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Namjoon froze after seeing his baby brother crying like a .... baby. Like a real baby.

"Shh .... it is okay Yoonginie."

Namjoon put his hands on Yoongi's bony shoulders and Yoongi tightly hugged him. Namjoon pressed his small brother to his chest and feels that he is really sickly thin. He feels that Yoongi is terribly shaking so he starts to rub his back and kissed his forehead.

"Please stop crying, Yoongi."

Namjoon is maybe a great engineer but besides that he is really dumb. Of course that if you say stop crying to a kid, they wont stop. Yoongi cries and snots are staining Namjoon's shirt while he is trying to get closer to his hyung. Namjoon patted his back and sighed. Seokjin would be great in this but he is in Seoul. Should he call him? But how should he explain this to him?

Namjoon got up with Yoongi's legs and arms wrapped around his body and went to the minibar. He takes a bar of chocolate and opened it for Yoongi who licked his lips and takes it from his hyung. The chocolate calmed him down and he stopped crying. He is munching on the sweet chocolate and Namjoon sat him down on the bed. Namjoon stroked his bruised cheek and bites on his lower lip - one very serious question is burning on his tongue.

"Did .... our mom beat you?"

Yoongi dropped the chocolate bar and then tears filled his eyes again. Namjoon wants to cry too because he was hoping that his mom isn't such a monster but now he is sure that she really did this to him.

"Everything is going to be good again, hyung is promising this to you."

Yoongi hugged him again and after a while he fell asleep because he is exhausted. Namjoon carefully laid him down on the bed and tucked him under a blanket. He hides his face in his palms and cries silently. How could have his mom done such a thing? After few minutes Namjoon collected himself and then laid down next to Yoongi. He is too tired to think right now so he is going to deal with this shit later.

In the morning he woke up and feels something wet and warm on his thigh. Namjoon opened his eyes and remembers that he is in a hotel room with his baby brother. But what is the wet thing touching him? Namjoon cursed under his breath when he saw the big yellow spot on the bed. Then his eyes landed on Yoongi whose pants are wet. Namjoon cursed again and sighed. He carefully moved Yoongi away from the wet spot and took off his pants. Then he texted to Hoseok to buy some clean clothes for Yoongi and also diapers. Namjoon wasn't expecting that Hoseok is going to call him back. Like who the fuck answers a message with a call?!

Namjoon runs in bathroom and hopes that the ringing didn't wake up Yoongi and picked up the call.

"Hoseok, you idiot! Just buy it and don't ask why!"

Namjoon hang up again and opened the door. Of course that Yoongi is awake and shakes in fear. He peed in a bed again and now he is going back in the small closet. Namjoon is watching Yoongi who got on his wobbly legs and walks in a closet. Then he turned to his hyung and cries more.

"Sowwy ..."

Namjoon's eyes almost fell out of his head when Yoongi closed the closet's door behind him and hurries to get him out. Yoongi is curled into a small ball and his forehead is resting on his knees. He is crying and whimpering because he thinks that Namjoon is going to beat him and flinched when his hyung only laid his warm hand on his back.

"Lets have a bath, okay? Don't worry I am not mad."

Namjoon speaks slowly and in low tone so he wont scare him even more, he read a bit of the book which he got from doctor Sang and it really works. Yoongi smiles a bit after seeing wide smile off his hyung and poked one of his dimples with his short finger. Namjoon leaded him in the bathroom and took off rest of his clothes. Then he starts to run a bath and added some liquid soap. He sat Yoongi in the warm water and takes a wash cloth.

"Do you like it?"

Namjoon is washing his hair and Yoongi pouted and nodded.

"Yes but mommy never bathes Yoonie."

They still have few hours before their plane is leaving and Namjoon hopes that Hoseok is going to be back soon. Right in moment when he finished bathing Yoongi and wrapping him in a towel, there is a loud knock on door of their room. Yoongi flinched and hided behind Namjoon but smiled when he spotted his another hyung. Hoseok handed a bag with the things to Namjoon and before his questions can start Namjoon handed him the book about little space. It is opened on page where is a chart with different ages what littles can have. Next to the ages are written informations about the specific headspace.

"I think that he is somewhere around two years old."

Hoseok nodded because he believes to Namjoon, he is the smartest one and also like this Hoseok doesn't need to take care of Yoongi. Namjoon opened the package of diapers and comes near to Yoongi.

"Hyungs are going to make Yoongi comfy, okay? No one icky clothes."

Yoongi doesn't fully understand to him but he also isn't fighting when Namjoon gently pushed him down to lay him down on the bed and slipped the diaper under his bum. After few minutes which Namjoon and Hoseok spend trying to figure out how to do it they are finally done and Yoongi wriggled his bum. He really likes the diaper. It is like having a cloud wrapped around his bum! He squealed happily after spotting that even his diaper has patterns with cute baby blue clouds. Namjoon smiled and ordered a breakfast. While Yoongi eats he can pack his bag and then remembers that Yoongi has to take his medicine. He has no idea how is he going to get four different pills inside him. Namjoon and Hoseok are trying hard but failed and Yoongi is crying again. Moreover they need to leave now. Namjoon sighed and put the pills back in their bottles. Maybe they can try it later.

Namjoon takes a small paper and writes a note for a cleaning woman.

"We had a little accident, sorry."

He put few banknotes on the paper and took his bag. Hoseok called a taxi for them and they got inside. Yoongi's diaper is hidden under his comfy grey leggings and he is wearing an oversized black hoodie. Well it wasn't supposed to be oversized, only Hoseok had no idea what size should he buy for his little brother. They arrived at an airport and Namjoon spotted Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook who are waiting for them. They aren't asking why is Namjoon holding Yoongi's hand and walked inside the airport hall. They found gate where is their plane and boarded. Namjoon fastened Yoongi's seatbelt and the little is now getting scared.

"Out! I wanna out."

Namjoon is trying to calm him down but it is getting worse and worse. People are staring on them because imagine it. A man who is traveling with much smaller boy who is bruised and crying. Of course that an air hostess came to their seats and she is ready to call security. Luckily rest of the brothers stepped in and explained the situation before Namjoon can be arrested but that doesn't solve the situation. Now Namjoon thinks that he should have tried harder to get the meds in Yoongi. Namjoon remembers a trick which Seokjin used for giving meds to their old sick dog. He always wrapped a pill in slice of ham or cheese. Yes, it sounds not nice to trick Yoongi but he has to calm down. Namjoon asked the same air hostess if he could get some soft candy and she came with a small bag of marshmallows. Namjoon pushed one pill in one marshmallow and then showed them to Yoongi. He is still crying but still tasted the weird things which his hyung gave him. He doesn't realize that inside are hidden pills and eats them all without complaining. Namjoon smiled and then handed him a bottle of water. Yoongi is holding the bottle with both hands and suddenly his head feels like someone is stuffing it with cotton. They are already in the air and Yoongi doesn't fight anymore, he is silently sitting and tries to keep his eyes opened. Namjoon is watching him and he is glad that no one is staring on them, he needs some peace after everything what happened. Namjoon comfortably leaned into his seat and sighed. Seoul, Kim's brothers are coming and Seokjin is going to pick them up on airport.

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