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Week two

Yoongi is slowly drifting out of his brothers brains and they haven't visited him since their arrival. Of course that Yoongi is sad but at least he has Seokjin who doesn't mind being with him. Everything around him, the tension between Seokjin and Namjoon, the anger that his brothers are ignoring him and this new place is exhausting Yoongi. He wants to be big but his little side wants to push him in little space where no worries exist. It is confusing Yoongi so he is often crying when he is pushed in little space but then he always fights to be big and runs to hide somewhere.

Seokjin is also in pain because of watching Yoongi's struggling but he doesn't know what he can do. Big Yoongi doesn't want his help and keeps little Yoongi as a hostage inside his mind and Seokjin doesn't know how to get to him. Luckily one day he got an idea and had to call his friend Chanyeol who is a carpenter and asked him for a favor. Chanyeol is his very good friend so of course that he said yes and doest ask why Seokjin needs a highchair of the said proportions. Next day he arrived to Seokjin's house and brings the new piece of furniture inside. The highchair is made from wood and Chanyeol painted it with white paint so it will fit nicely in Seokjin's kitchen which is white and grey. Chanyeol put it in the room and Seokjin gave him some money before pushing him out of his house.

It is morning and Yoongi is still sleeping so he doesn't fight when Seokjin picked him up. He carried the boy downstairs and sat him down in the new chair. Yoongi is slowly waking up and whines when Seokjin touches him again. The man pulled the straps over his shoulders and buckled it tightly to the strap which is between his legs. Seokjin snapped the tray closed and it is pressing on Yoongi's bladder. Yoongi squirms around but it is useless because the harness is holding him in place. What is worse - he needs to pee. Suddenly he realized something There is something soft and thick wrapped around his crotch and waist. His bum is warm and he doesn't like that his thighs are forced apart and his feet are hanging in the air above the ground. Yoongi is angry because he feels really tiny like this. As if he is too small and needs to sit in this special seat because otherwise someone could step on him. He isn't tiny!

Yoongi angrily kicks his legs around and throws his head back in highpitched cry.

"What makes you so angry my little kitten?"

Yoongi glares on him through tears which are gathering in his eyes. Kitten?! He isn't a kitten, he is a big boy! Suddenly Yoongi isn't so sure who he is. Kitten or big boy? Unconsciously Yoongi's tiny thumb finds his way between his lips and the boy started to suck on it. Seokjin smiles because his plan is working - his plan of getting Yoongi in his little space. Seokjin hopes that when he gets Yoongi in his little space then the boy could eat without such a huge problems, he could have some fun.

Seokjin put some bowl on the big dining table and then smiles on the little boy.

"This is dirty."

Yoongi's big innocent eyes are observing Seokjin who pulled his thumb away from his mouth and replaced it by white pacifier with yellow bees. Yoongi tries this new thing and hesitantly sucks on it few times before smiling a bit on Seokjin. Seokjin takes a spoon and the bowl with bunnies and scooped up a bit of the scrambled eggs with pieces of sausage. Yoongi is now deep in his comfortable little space where his eating disorder doesn't exist. He is munching on the delicious food and enjoys the attention which he is getting from Seokjin. They are having a very peaceful breakfast until Namjoon showed up. Seokjin pours a cup of coffee for him and Namjoon only lifted his eyebrows after seeing the highchair but stays quiet. In a short time he left and they are alone again. They finished breakfast and Seokjin took Yoongi out of the highchair. The boy needs to smile because of Seokjin's wide and kind smile which is telling him that everything is fine when they are together. Seokjin silently gasped after feeling those lanky arms wrapping around his neck and big shoulders. Seokjin cooed before pressing his hand on Yoongi's tiny back and feels almost every bone under his fingers.

"Lets watch some cartoons before having a snack."

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