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Week one

Seokjin and Namjoon aren't speaking so the house is silent except for Yoongi's occasional squeals or cries. He is mad on his hyungs so he is basically Seokjin's fifth limb. He is following him everywhere and avoids Namjoon who can't look at his little brother because he feels guilty and angry in the same time. He feels guilty that he doesn't want to take care of him and angry because Seokjin is trying to be Yoongi's caregivers. Fact that he can cook and take care of the house doesn't mean that he can be a mother to boy who is suffering from depressions, anxiety disorder and eating disorder. Namjoon is quite looking forward to see mister worldwide handsome and smart failing and then Namjoon will say him that he knew it.

Right in the morning of the third day first troubles appeared. Seokjin cooked breakfast and then sat Yoongi at the dining table. The boy frowned on breakfast burritos with egg and sausage and then looked on Seokjin.

"Don't want this."

Yoongi pouted and pushed the plate away. Seokjin smiled and stabbed piece of the sausage on fork.

"Darling, what is wrong with this food?"

Yoongi banged his fists against the desk and frowned. Seokjin gently grabs his chin and brings the fork to his little pouty lips because it is really delicious, he is giving him the most expensive sausages from the whole butcher store.

"Say ahhh and at least taste a bit."

Yoongi furiously shakes his head no because he doesn't want to eat. His stomach is bloated and huge, he is fat and Seokjin is only mocking him.

"Don't want this!"

Seokjin wants to take the plate away but suddenly Yoongi screamed on top of his lungs and banged his head against the table. His forehead broke the plate and a piece of the sharp porcelain cut his skin. Blood is pouring from the wound and Seokjin panicked.


He feels sick from the blood's scent and needs Namjoon here to take them in a hospital. Namjoon came after few minutes and his eyes widened after seeing blood dripping down from forehead off his little brother.

"What the fuck happened?!"

He yelled on Seokjin who is only crying harder after seeing his angry boyfriend.

"Hospital ... now."

Seokjin picked up Yoongi and holds the crying boy on his hip while still pressing a cloth on his forehead. Namjoon grabs his keys and they get in his car. He is driving as fast as he can in the busy traffic and when he abruptly pulled up in front of a hospital, the cloth on Yoongi's wound is already soaked with his blood. Seokjin is running inside and Namjoon sees that he is still wearing a pair of slippers which are now dirty. He hurries behind them and a nurse is already leading Seokjin in a doctor's office. Namjoon squeezed in the office too and Seokjin sat down with crying Yoongi in his arms.

Yoongi slipped into little space because of the shock and pain and doesn't remember what did big Yoongi do. He hugs Seokjin with his lanky arms and realized that they are in a hospital. His head hurts and he started to panic after the door opened again and a tall doctor in a white coat walked inside. The man smiled on the crying boy and wants to look on the wound but Yoongi turned his head away and hided his face in crook of Seokjin's neck. The poor man is now covered with blood even more and tries to turn Yoongi to face the doctor but without a result. The doctor prepared a syringe with anesthetic and Seokjin is tightly holding Yoongi in his lap while the boy screams and kicks. He doesn't let the doctor to get near with the syringe and Namjoon is getting impatient. His head hurts from such loud screaming and he just wants to go back home to finish his work.

Meanwhile Yoongi is glancing at him from time to time because he wants his big brother to save him but on the other hand even little Yoongi knows that Namjoon is annoyed by him. He is annoyed like everyone in his life. Yoongi closed his tired eyes for a while and it gives enough time to the doctor to stab the needle close to the wound. Yoongi felt that pinch and opened his eyes again but in few seconds the pain in his forehead is completely gone. Yoongi calmed down a bit and stopped crying because his throat hurts. He is also exhausted because his stomach is empty and the blood loss is also quite bad. The doctor put on pair of white latex gloves and prepared a surgical needle and thread.

"I am going to clean the wound first and then I will sew it, it will takes only few minutes."

Seokjin nodded and the doctor is worried that he could faint any time soon because he is really pale and his hands are shaking. He turned around to the second man but after seeing his angry face, the doctor decided to stay quiet. He takes a cotton ball and dipped it in a disinfection. Yoongi only whimpered when the doctor started to clean the wound and sobs while trying to put his thumb between his lips. Seokjin grabs his hands in his because they are in a hospital, everything is covered with germs and the fragile boy could get sick very easily. The doctor carefully cleaned the wound and takes the surgical needle and thread. He is slowly sewing the wound and in few minutes he is done and put a cute plaster with Minions over it.

"We are done here, please keep the wound clean and covered for a week."

Seokjin bowed to the doctor and got up. Yoongi is clutching on him like a little koala bear and put his head on Seokjin's shoulder. He is watching Namjoon who is walking behind them and then turned his eyes away because Namjoon isn't looking on him. Seokjin got in their car and Namjoon is silently driving. He stops in front of their house and Seokjin with Yoongi got out.

"I need to go in my office."

Seokjin only nodded and watches the car driving away. Yoongi on his hip whimpered so Seokjin turned around and walked in their house. He put Yoongi down on a couch in the living room and goes in the kitchen to clean after the breakfast. Yoongi is dozing of on the couch while Seokjin threw away the broken plate and food covered with blood. Then he cleaned the floor where are droplets of blood and finally it is his turn to get rid of Yoongi's blood which is drying on his skin and clothes.

Seokjin walks out of the kitchen and sees that Yoongi fell asleep in not very comfortable position. His neck is bent and his back is twisted so he would be in pain after waking up. Seokjin carefully picked him up and cradles him close to his chest. He walks upstairs in their bedroom and laid him down on his and Namjoon's huge bed. He makes sure that the boy is really asleep and then goes in bathroom but left the door opened so he will see if Yoongi wakes up. Seokjin decided to throw out these clothes and got under stream of hot water. He is rubbing his skin until every atom of the blood is gone and then just stands in the shower and tries to relax. Seokjin feels that his body is exhausted and he suddenly wants to sleep so bad. He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Seokjin soaked another towel in hot water and went in the bedroom to clean Yoongi's face and hands. Then he throws the towels back in bathroom and put on a T-shirt and loose pants. He laid down next to Yoongi and doesn't remove the thumb on which is the boy sucking. Seokjin gently strokes his fluffy hair and then closed his eyes with an arm wrapped around Yoongi's waist.

They are still sleeping when Namjoon came back home. He is looking for them downstairs and then went to check the bedrooms upstairs. Namjoon sighed after finding them hugging each other in their bed and silently walks closer. He is watching peaceful but tired face of his boyfriend and then looked on Yoongi who is hidden in Seokjin's wide embrace. Namjoon smiled a bit then slowly drapes a blanket over their sleeping bodies to keep them warm. He sighed again before silently leaving the bedroom. Usually he wouldn't hesitate and join Seokjin in bed but with Yoongi between them things aren't so simple anymore.

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