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Yoongi is wandering around Seoul, hungry and cold. The city is too big for him to find a way to Seokjin's house but instead of Seokjin's house, he found another quite nice neighbor. There are standing much smaller houses than Seokjin's one but the houses are pretty with tiny gardens. Trash bins are standing on the sidewalks and Yoongi hesitantly fidgets with his small hands. He is so hungry. His stomach hurts so much that he isn't sure if he can walk more and Yoongi looked around. People waste so much food, maybe he will be lucky to find something. The street is empty, it is near midnight so everyone is sleeping and no one is around.

Yoongi lifted the cover off the nearest trash bin and looked inside. He spotted a banana right on top of the garbage. The yellow peel is covered with brown dots but it still tastes good. Yoongi quickly eats it and moves to another bin. He smiled after seeing half of a sandwich still wrapped in a plastic container. The bread is a bit stale but nonetheless tasty. He is gobbling his dinner when suddenly someone cleared their throat only few meters away from him.

Sejin's boss is terrible and he had too much work to leave in some sensible hour. He is almost falling asleep while walking home from the subway station when suddenly he hears some rustling. Sejin thinks that maybe a cat or a raccoon is digging in the trash bins because his neighbors often forgot to close the lid properly. Sejin walks closer to the noise to chase the animal away but then froze. Instead of a hungry raccoon, he found a person digging in a trash bin in front of his house. Sejin thinks about chasing the dirty being away from his house but then the person lifted their head. Out of nowhere Sejin feels guilty and stupid. He wanted to yell on this obviously helpless boy who is probably only hungry.

Yoongi is staring on the tall guy and slowly started to back off. The guy takes few steps closer to him and Yoongi panics. He wants to run but the guy lifted his hands up to show him that he isn't going to harm him in any way.

"If you want, I can give you better food."

Yoongi doesn't know what to expect from this guy. Is it normal that someone offers food to a homeless person? Sejin understands that the boy is scared so he slowly walks to front door of his small house and unlocked the door. He left it open and waits if the boy leaves or comes. Yoongi is standing on the cold street for few more minutes, maybe for a half an hour but then he decided that nothing can be worse than wandering in cold around city full of strangers.

Sejin is preparing hot cocoa for himself and his possible guest. He also pulled out a pizza with ham and cheese out of the freezer and put it in the microwave. He is almost losing his hope when he sensed presence of another person in his small kitchen. Yoongi is hesitantly standing there and watches Sejin who added whipped cream in mugs with the cocoa. The man put two plates on the dining table and pulled the hot pizza out of the microwave.

"What about washing your hands before we eat?"

Sejin showed him where is the bathroom and Yoongi quickly washed his hands before going back in the kitchen. Sejin saw Yoongi's poor feet in the thin shoes which can't be very warm so he has already prepared pair of his thickest socks. Yoongi put them on and they started to eat. Yoongi wrapped his small hands around the warm mug and sips on the cocoa which immediately warm him up. The cocoa feels so good in his stomach that he has to sigh in happiness. Sejin cut the pizza into triangles and they eat before it get cold. After their late dinner Sejin put the dishes in the sink and decided to wash them later. He turned to Yoongi who is rubbing his eyes and looks like he is going to fall asleep right there.

"You can sleep on the couch, I will get you a blanket and a pillow."

Sejin leaded him to the couch in the living room and goes to get the blanket and pillow to make the couch more comfy. However when he came back, he found out that the couch is comfy enough for the boy. Yoongi is already asleep when Sejin came. He is curled into a small ball to save every tiny bit of warmness. Sejin smiled because this tiny boy isn't dangerous, he is only a scared little thing. He covered him with the blanket and then gently lifted his head to place the pillow underneath him. Sejin turned off the lights and then goes upstairs where is his bedroom. He doesn't believe to himself, he just took a homeless boy in his house and he isn't even scared off him. What a weird day!

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