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Week three

Yoongi is happy and enjoys his little space but every fun has to end. His fun ended when Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung stormed in the house. They are here because the time is almost up and they want to see if Seokjin has done some progress with Yoongi. They are surprised when they see their little brother because he looks so different.

Yoongi is playing on the soft carpet in the living room. Around him are scattered pieces of Lego and he is building one huge towel from the colorful blocks. It is obvious that their little brother gained some weight and his black hair is shining with health. Everyone must see that Seokjin is taking the best care of the boy and Jungkook feels a bit guilty. Yoongi is the youngest and weakest out of them and they love him but everything is so confusing. They also love their mom and Yoongi is a living proof that she isn't so saint as they have always thought. On the other hand Seokjin doesn't give a fuck. Their mother hurt the little boy and that can't be forgotten. In Seokjin's eyes there are few bad things which can't be forgotten and a mother who hurt their child is one of the bad things.

They are silently staring on Yoongi who continues in playing before finally realizing that there is someone standing behind him. He turned around and drops the blocks when he recognized his brothers. His lower lip and chin started to wobble and he got up. His hyungs see the soggy diaper which he is wearing and almost opened their arms to hug him but Yoongi runs around them and heads in kitchen.


Yoongi is running toward the only person who makes him feel safe and wraps his arms around Seokjin's waist. Seokjin is preparing coffee and he is surprised by the little one who appeared so suddenly. Yoongi is tightly hugging him and Seokjin quickly kneeled down in front of him.

"What is wrong? Did something scared you?"

Yoongi silently pointed toward his brothers and Seokjin strokes his hair.

"Your hyungs came to visit you, there is nothing wrong about it."

Yoongi is clinging to Seokjin who prepared bottle of milk for Yoongi and then they go in the living room. Seokjin pulled Yoongi next to him and gave him the bottle while everyone else takes a cup with coffee. Yoongi is sucking on his bottle and focuses on Seokjin's pretty hand which is stroking his little foot while his brothers are watching him. They want to fix their mistakes and neglect but they don't know how. Jimin and Jungkook only drunk their coffee and then left because they can't stand to be there with Yoongi. They feel like he is silently judging them and it sent everyone away rather quickly. Yoongi is still afraid but at least the room is now empty and only Seokjin is next to him.


Seokjin quickly hugs him and picked him up because it is time to change his diaper. Thanks to Seokjin's care the little one is able to relax so deep in his little space that he needs diapers. Seokjin gently wipes his bum and crotch and then put a clean diaper on him. Yoongi feels better but still a bit sad. Seokjin laid him down on their bed and covered him with a soft fleece blanket so now he can take a nap while Seokjin is going to paint a bit. This is his hobby. He has a room only for his art and some of his paintings were sold for quite good sum of money. Seokjin started to paint and it isn't something depressing or dark but his new picture is cheerful. With Yoongi he feels fluffy and needs to smile while the paintbrush is moving over the white canvas. Seokjin is humming a soft melody before he hears that Namjoon is back. His lover peeked inside the atelier and then goes to take a shower. He is tired and entered their bedroom while taking off his tie. Namjoon sees the small lump on their bed and goes closer to look. He found Yoongi who is sleeping there curled into a small ball while sucking on his pacifier. Namjoon has to admit that Yoongi is still cute like many years ago when he was a baby. Namjoon is staring on him for few silent seconds and then went in the bathroom to take a shower after long day in his office.

Meanwhile Seokjin needs to take a break and he also went to check on Yoongi. The boy finished his nap and Seokjin takes him downstairs and together they drink a glass of mango juice. Seokjin wants to work on his painting so he takes Yoongi in his atelier and gave him few papers and crayons. Now they are both busy and Seokjin is smiling widely while working on his another piece of art. Yoongi is happy that he can play and act like a small kid without his mother beating him and yelling on him. Yoongi frowned because he wasn't really thinking about his mother. Where is she? He only knows that she stayed in Busan but that's all. Yoongi peeked on Seokjin who loves him and takes care of him. He doesn't want to leave this place even if his brothers don't want him here. Yoongi is determined to stay with Seokjin no matter what.

Their next few days are filled with peace and fluffy moments, for example when Yoongi drew Seokjin's portrait, but the calm home is disturbed when a unexpected guest.

Taehyung is stepping from one foot to another because finally gathered every bit of courage in his body and came to visit Yoongi again. This time he is alone. He is clutching paper bag with his gift for Yoongi and rang on the doorbell. Nothing happened for few seconds until Seokjin opened the door and greeted him. He is surprised that Taehyung came here but still let him inside. Seokjin hurries back in kitchen where he has a chicken in the oven. Taehyung hesitantly walks further in the house and peeked in the living room. Yoongi's back is facing him and he is sitting on the carpet in front of TV and on the screen a vampire is counting coconuts. Taehyung doesn't want to disturb his baby brother so he goes in the kitchen where is Seokjin.

"Sesame street?"

Seokjin nodded while closing the oven.

"He needs to get some education. I am also working on teaching him how to write and read, but it could be so much easier if Namjoon helps me."

Taehyung looked on his socked feet and hesitantly lifted the paper bag with gift for Yoongi.

"I read that traumatized kids need some comfort object so I bought him this."

Seokjin peeked inside the bag and smiled.

"That is cute, don't stand here and give it to him."

Taehyung looks scared that he needs to actually speak with Yoongi but then hesitantly walked in the living room. He is staring on back of Yoongi's head and his black hair before slowly sitting down on the carpet right next to his brother.


Yoongi peeked on his brother and says nothing. He only squirmed away so there is more space between their bodies. Yoongi knows that he can't bother his brothers no matter how much he wants to hug them. He will wait for Seokjin and he will cuddle with him.

"I have a gift for you."

Taehyung is watching how even this didn't force any reaction out of Yoongi, he continues in watching the show but the truth is that Yoongi is fighting to not touch him. His brothers weren't visiting him and mother very often and even if they came it was always for a very short time. Yoongi folded his little hands in his lap and feels first tears in his eyes. Suddenly Taehyung's tanned hand reached closer to him and the bag landed on the floor in front of him.

Taehyung feels so guilty next to Yoongi and he feels like he is going to cry in next few seconds so he hurriedly got up and left. Seokjin is taking out dishes from the dishwasher and angrily throws few spoons in drawer with cutlery. He sighed and decided to prepare a strawberry milkshake for Yoongi to cheer him up after his brother basically ran away from him.

The little is looking on the paper bag before carefully reaching his scrawny hand toward it. He opened it a bit and pulled out the gift. Yoongi is staring on the stuffed black bear with red cheeks and smiled. He has never had many toys and his mother even ruined some of them in anger so he loves that Seokjin is buying him something all the time but this bear is special. Yoongi tightly hugs the bear while sniffling to it and smells faint scent of Taehyung's aftershave.

"We are going to be friends forever."

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