Chapter 3

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A/N: New part! It's like 4:30 here, so I'm getting ready to eat, but I figured after being absent the entire weekend, might as well give all of you a new chapter. I also want to warn you, I have no problem with killing off characters. So I hope you enjoy!

When life hits, some people are knocked over and don't get back up. Others are so used to it, they barely feel a thing. Yet others are smacked around and knocked down, but get back up. Sometimes life misses completely. And sometimes, life, in missing, hits someone else with something they don't know how to handle. However, life being that way, they'll leave it for the person to handle, to suffer, maybe even die. Cancer, loss of loved ones, loss of limbs, loss of homes, loss of rights. Loss period. Then sometimes gaining things works against people, too. Gain an abusive husband or wife, gain a disease-ridden house, gain a new power, a painful one. Life doesn't like being straightforward, that's no fun. It likes watching people wriggle and writhe to get out of their current situation, to fix it, to survive. Sometimes Mother Nature and Father Time will work with or against life's plans, but they generally aren't a factor, except for Time. He's a nuisance. He just can't stop running. Running, running, running out of the way of life, out of himself. Nature is content to destroy anyone who thinks to harm her, but Time, no, he must just keep running out.

His time ran out.

His nature pushed back into nonexistence.

His life held between the fingers of one more powerful than his old idol.

He? He got back up changed.


That smile was tinged with blood.

That smile that had been tinged with gold.

He was here for nothing more than what was desired.

Desired was the destruction of his idol.


Old idol.

New idol?

All for One.

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