Chapter 13

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A/N: This chapter almost hurts me on a physical level looking back at it. I can't decide if I like it because of that, but here you go! New chapter! Enjoy~

"How do you know this villain, Bakugou."

The voice came from his teacher, Aizawa. All Might merely stood there, attempting to look intimidating and failing miserably.

"Bakugou, if you don't answer, we will have to turn you over to the police, and they will assume that you are working with him. You won't be able to be a hero. You'll be kicked from U. A. because we can easily find that you are a traitor to the school. Please just answer the question, Bakugou. In detail, we need to know how you knew that child."

His head hung low as he ran through the events of the USJ in his head. Deku... He had been alive, with a quirk, and even a team. Albeit the wrong one.


"We were childhood friends."

Aizawa merely waited, aware there was more.

"When my quirk manifested, his didn't. He never manifested a quirk."

All Might jumped in at that point. "That's impossible, we saw him with one just now."

"Hush." There was more than Bakugou was letting on. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so silent up to this point or been so angry with the villain.

"What happened, Bakugou?"

"...I and my friends tormented him constantly. Sometimes they would do it without me, which bugged me, but I couldn't say anything after all I've done. He was well and truly quirkless. One day, we were getting ready to leave and I was just done with him, done with his irritating hopes that he could be a hero without a quirk, and I-"

He stopped at this point.

"Katsuki? Please, I know this is hard, but we need to know exactly what happened."

Aizawa was expecting the boy to say something along the lines of telling him to just give up, he would be nothing more than worthless or useless, go be a villain instead, but what he said shocked him into silence deeper than he'd ever felt before.

"I told him to pray he'd get a quirk in his next life and... A-and told hi-him to t-take a swan dive off a bui-build-" at this point, Bakugou couldn't speak as the tears ran silently down his face.

This boy who had always been so silent in class, refusing to stand out despite an amazing quirk, had told another child to kill himself.

"...Did he?"

He felt he already knew the answer, but had to make sure.



"Yes. I found him right after he hit the ground, and he had a note for me. He was always planning ahead like that. It merely told me thank you, and... And told me to be a hero for him..."

"...You may go."

All Might held the door open for the child who had been crying mere seconds ago and watched him leave.

"Now what?"

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