Chapter 12

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A/N: New chapter! I'm actually really proud of myself for keeping up with doing this each day. INVESTMENT! Whoop-de-doo... Here's your second update today. Enjoy~

The school had been closed to the outside world for a few weeks now while the staff dealt with the press and parents. A lot of people had left, been pulled out by their parents because they didn't believe their child to be safe. Only one person had been pulled out of the hero course, but he left because everyone hated him for running. He had been standing right next to Tsu before he'd run, so if he had just stayed a little longer, Tsu might still be alive. When he'd left, he claimed he was giving up on being a hero and was just going to be a normal civilian. No one cared.

He went missing, and people didn't care.

Mineta was just an extra, so people didn't care.

That year, the school moved to a dorm system. They wished to protect the students best they could and felt the best way to do this was through always having them be at U. A.

Eventually, all the commotion died down. People still quietly mourned Tsu but moved on with their lives.

All Might was a hero.

Bakugou had been interviewed so many times.

Obviously, for standing up for his friend in the face of danger, the press was all over him.

He might as well have been a celebrity.

If only that were the case, it would have been a lot less stressful than what really happened.

"How do you know this villain, Bakugou."

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