Chapter 23

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A/N: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Didja miss me? No, of course not. Anyway, to make up for lost time and a spur of inspiration, be ready for spam!

What does one do when they are faced with another that is on an entirely different level, when they have to fight this person for their freedom, one on one? Do they just give up? Back down? Die a martyr, hoping their death will spur others on? Deku's eyes held no answers as he hurtled for Momo's throat at speeds that shouldn't be physically possible, especially from someone who has relied on his quirk his whole life.

She sidestepped his first lunge, barely. Catching the feint to the right, Momo swung her kpinga in an arc, aiming for his open side, and...

It was honestly over before it began.

He had the knife at her throat, drawing close to breaking skin, and she...

She had lost their freedom. Her classmates had been counting on her, betting on her winning to get them out of there. Now, it was futile. What were they supposed to do now that their supposed saviour was dead?

He pulled away, leaving Momo to stumble and regain her balance.

"What?" The only thing Momo could say by this point. What happened? What was that? Why did you stick to the rules? Aren't you a villain?

Rational thought had fled Momo's head, as had words. She couldn't vocalize any of her questions. She couldn't ask how he knew how to fight with a weapon. She couldn't ask anything, and she had forgotten their conversation from before.

"You will be up promptly tomorrow morning to begin. Do not be late. Otherwise, there will be consequences." He left without answering a single question, cold anger radiating off of him as radiation had after Chernobyl.

He was more than he seemed, and she, it seemed, was a fool.

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