Chapter 11

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A/N: I can't decide if I'm satisfied with this chapter or no, so I might come back later and change it. However, I will let you all know after I do, so you're not blindsided with information from the new chapter that is mentioned in the updated version. At the moment, though, I'm sticking with this version of Chapter 11. So I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think in the comments! AND I AM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO POST YESTERDAY, BUT TO MAKE UP FOR IT YOU GUYS GET A DOUBLE UPDATE EARLY IN THE MORNING. Enjoy~

When he'd looked bored instead of excited, and turned to leave instead of turning for a better view, that's when he struck. His Deku was no longer there. This one just looked like him. And he would pay for that.

Then he turned back around with a determined look on his face, one that Bakugo had seen before. A familiar look. And he faltered but kept going. His Deku would not be able to dodge this, he was too weak. Too fragile.

He dodged.

Turned to face Bakugou.

A facial expression appeared, one that seemed confused for a second before clearing.


He turned to face the one that would die, the one who had dared attack him.

And recognized him.

That one person...


Why'd he be a villain? This boy who'd wanted to be a hero so bad. He'd grown bored of All Might. He'd disposed of his signature red shoes, giving them up for dress shoes.

His smile and laugh were different.

He wasn't the same.

"Do I look too different?"

His voice snapped Bakugou back to reality.

"Sorry, I just thought that I might try this look, and then found out I liked it."

He focused on what the boy was saying and heard it. That same fear that had always been in Izuku's voice whenever he was confronted by Bakugou.

"I know I've changed."

No, it's gone. A trick. What is he saying, he's changed? Of course, he has, you don't need to be observant to know that.

"Death does that to people."

His world shattered around him at those words. He fell to his knees as Deku walked over to him. Faintly, Bakugou registered Kirishima screaming for him to get back, get away, what are you doing, that is not a good person, that's a villain, run. He couldn't move.

This boy who'd been absolutely silent in class, refusing to socialize at all, had just rushed out at this villain screaming. Though he'd discovered how much Bakugou tended to swear over the past hour or so, he had not expected this.

Then the explosion happened, and he'd missed. He'd stopped, and the villain seemed to be talking to him. No, what are you doing, he'll convince you, stop, come back. His mouth refused to move. The child fell to the ground, and that's when he started screaming.

His hand had almost landed on this so-called "friend's" head. Then Nomu had been disposed of.

"Oh! It's my turn now!"

"No. We're leaving."

"What? But you promised!"

"I never intended for Nomu to lose, and you are not stronger than it."

"But All Might is weak now! If we can just attack him..."


And Bakugou watched as the boy he'd thought dead for the longest time waved back at him and left back through another purple portal.

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