Chapter 6

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A/N: Ah, the updates get earlier and earlier! Sorry guys, I don't think there will ever be a morning update, but I'll try to post before 6 in the future. Anyways, enjoy!

He'd managed to fight his way out of the ruins with Kirishima, and now his feet were moving almost on their own towards where he'd last seen his classmates. They hit the dirt in a consistent rhythm, almost managing to calm him in the process. Then Shitty Hair spoke up. "I'm kind of surprised, actually. You're so quiet in class, I assumed there was something wrong with your voice. But no, it's fine, you've proven that." He flinched at this, as he'd forgotten his promise, and for the last few hours reverted almost all the way back to his old self; shouting and swearing, upon more shouting and swearing. But he'd stopped short of claiming to be the best. The one thing he would never say again.

"Hey man, you good?" He looked back at the boy, ripped clothes showing where he'd had to harden to survive. "...Let's just get back to the others, they might need our help. It's our fault if they're hurt because we provoked that villain, so we need to make sure they're ok." Kirishima nodded, a giant grin on his face.

Standing there, he surveyed the destruction. He'd seen how much Eraserhead could do, and he knew that he wouldn't hold out for long on this kind of frontal attack. He's protecting his students. Wouldn't it be a great tragedy if one of his students... Lost their head? A deranged grin and a giggle corrupted. This was going to be fun.

They finally made it back and saw that the frog-girl, Asui Tsuyu, had already made it back with Minoru Mineta. The pervert? Seeing the glowing red slap mark on his cheek, Bakugo could guess what happened. A laugh resounded through the area just as he finished drawing his conclusions. It sounded almost familiar, but that's impossible, as he knew no one with a laugh so... Evil.

Asui was gone.

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