Chapter 14

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A/N: Today has been a long day. I can't even spell "chapter" right right now, it takes me multiple tries to get it right. AND I found out that one of those colonies completely illegalized abortion. Stupid Americans. However! There's a new chapter! All is right in the world now. (Though I think that I forgot to post yesterday?) So enjoy~

"Now what?"

He woke in a dark room. A sigh escaped his lips, winding itself across the bonds that held him to the chair. He had interfered with the mission too much to be let off lightly, he knew that, but this? Overkill.

"Truly? It's not 100% my fault that the mission failed. I know it's partially me, but it wasn't my fault All Might is stronger than the Nomu, or that Kurogiri sent the students to random places instead of listening and sending them where their quirks don't work."


Another sigh and he closed his eyes, waiting.

As the pain started, he remembered everything up to now. To a point.

His earliest clear memory, he was in this same room, and voices were whispering if he could be trusted. He had kept quiet and his breathing was steady, despite being terrified. That was one of his prouder memories. The voices noticed after a while, though, and knocked him back out. It had really just been debating back and forth.

He couldn't feel his legs anymore.

Then he remembered his quirk. He had gotten it from his idol, of all people. He had said that he would be an ideal vessel for such a power as long as he obeyed.

He remembered being quirkless for a long time before that, so he had readily accepted. It's not like anyone missed him, after all. He had been told as much by his idol.

Training with his new quirk was painful. His hand broke multiple times, as did his arm and legs. But he got better with it until he was better with it than even his mentor, who had had it before him.

It was a quirk that manifested in the form of purple lightning but was much more. It moved faster than the eye could see if he wanted it too, and could cut through anything. However.

He was forced to learn to use actual weapons alongside his quirk training.

Now he knew why. He was possibly going to go up against someone who could erase his quirk.

His arms went numb. It wouldn't be long until he passed out from blood loss.

The room was silent from all those in it. No sounds escaped the child's lips as he was used to this. None came from the one torturing him for failure. He himself had already been tortured and was taking his anger out on the child.

They would take a few weeks to lay low. The child would be healed, as the torturer was when his was done.

They wanted the attention off of them before they struck again. Security to decrease. People to relax. To stop watching. Then they would strike where it hurts the most: the children.

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