Chapter 25

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A/N: Please feel free to comment and ask questions! It makes my day when I think someone is paying some attention. This should be either the second to last chapter or last chapter for the day. Love you, and enjoy~

When Momo was escorted back to her cell, she expected to be met with anger, much the same as Deku's had been. There wasn't any, which was almost worse than if there had been. She could deal with anger, she had dealt with it before.

She couldn't deal with the oppressive silence as she described the battle in detail.

That night, barely anyone slept, as they had no notion of time in the cell unless the villains dropped by and told them. They didn't want to know these "consequences". They filled the night with whispers of what they might be forced to do. The class was pessimistic, even the bright lights like Kirishima and Ashido. Jirou couldn't hear anything from the villains, and even Ashido's acid couldn't melt the bars.

Eventually, a villain skipped in front of the bars. Her blonde hair was up in buns on either side of her head, messy ones, and she had a sickening smile on her face. "Himiko Toga! But you can call me Toga. Now let's go, Deku~ wants to see you." She skipped around outside the cell as the bars disappeared.

The class followed silently, taking in their surroundings to the best of their abilities, scanning for escape routes, or at least possible ones. Scanning for any hint of a communications device, or a window, or some indication of where they were. they saw nothing but brick.

Toga eventually led them back to a bar area. The purple portal man from the attack on U. A. was there, as was the blue-haired man. Boy? Seeing him now, he looked much younger.

Less savage.

Minus the hand covering his face, though. Deku was sitting on the end, sipping his drink, an amber liquid. Another one was sitting next to him, with half of his skin covered in angry-looking burns, held together with... Stitches? There were two more in the room, covered in shadows, though one appeared to be arguing with... Himself?

Deku looked up when they entered, then went back to his drink. There were thirty or so of them, and yet, somehow, they were contained. None of them dared use their quirk, for fear of one of their classmates dying.

After all, Bakugo had been captured too but was being kept somewhere else as an incentive.

The blue-haired boy spoke first. "They are ugly to look at, deal with them or send them back." He started scratching at his neck, where previous wounds and scars were obvious, open and leaking. Deku turned towards him for a second, and in a moment of levity, Momo wished she could see his face.

He turned back towards them, any hint of a facial expression other than boredom nonexistent. If it had been there in the first place.

"Let's get started."

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