♥ littlespace guides! ♥

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we all probably know that there are a lot of littlespace and agere guides on wattpad, but which ones are best? these are a few i definitely enjoy and you might as well!

1. Nellie's Guide To Being Little: Vol. 1 (And 2!) by @lilkittynellie

this really helped me when i first started using a paci regularly, and it helped my friends too (as most of these are also on my "little trash" reading list. it's really informative and so is its sequel!

2. A Basic Guide For Littles Pets and Caregivers! by @xcutekittengirlx

3. A Big Guide To Littlespace by @LittlespaceWitch

same as #1, i really liked how thorough it was and how well it explained things.

4. A Little's Guide: Tips For Single Littles by @kittenum

even though it and #2 are really short, they still provide some good, fast information.

5. The Toys Club by @WantNot

cute. really cute and helpful! do check it out.

so long!


lukie <33

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