♥ age regression vs. ageplay! ♥

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hey guys! so i haven't updated in some time, things have been really busy for me! however to make up for it, i have decided to release two chapters today and hopefully another tomorrow. 

(update 09/17/2020: so I haven't even been on this account in forever, but i did get some things wrong in the original chapter. thank you to SmollFefe for pointing this out and helping me!) 

this is a question i get a lot. what is the difference between age regression/littlespace and ageplay? is age regression (agere) a kink thing? do you have to be sexual as a little?

here are my answers to those.

1. what's the difference? to sum it up, ageplay is a roleplay. (as riley says in the video above.) it's somebody pretends/acts like a child or an age other than their own. it's usually a subset of bdsm and it includes communities like dd/lg, md/lb, and the whole of the ageplay community. the ageplay community is 18+, an adult community because of its ties to kink. age regression is when somebody mentally reverts back to an age younger than their own. sometimes people can control when they go "back in time", but some people can't. some regress due to mental stuff, trauma, etc. age regression (or agere) is never a sexual thing. you are mentally in the mindset of a child. you therefore lose your ability to consent to things (like sex) that you would be able to as an adult. 

2. is agere a kink thing? no. to put it plainly, ageplay stems from kink/bdsm. age regression stems from a branch of hypnotherapy and has always been completely separate to ageplay and kink. kink and agere communities have terminology that has mixed, including the terms "little" (which originally came from the DID community) and "littlespace". it was originally used as a form of hypnotherapy to help people recover from trauma and help with mental health conditions. (this and the next parts of this point are SmallFefe's words and they explained it very nicely!) while yes, it is true that the cglre community stems from the ageplay community, age regression itself does not. cglre was created to help age regressors who wrongly identified themselves with kink and is now separate. that is the only age regression community with historical ties to ageplay, to my knowledge. there were also other un-named online age regression communities that existed before cglre. 

3. do you have to be sexually active as a little/can you be an age regressor and an ageplayer? if you are regressed, doing sexual things (or things where you need to be old enough/in a different headspace to consent) is the exact same thing as doing sexual things to a literal child. no sex in littlespace, please. however, you can engage in both age regression and ageplay as long as you keep those completely separate! 

if you've got any other questions i'd be glad to answer them!



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