♥ nsfw littles? ♥

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this book deals with age regression, which is inherently SFW, but there are littles who also ageplay, and here's a way to separate the two.

ageplay is sexual and age regression is not. ageplay is roleplaying, while regression is the mindset of a child. there's no power dynamic in agere. age regression simply involves an individual in headspace and a caregiver who cares for them. there is power play in ageplay, hence the terms "dd/lb" and "md/lb" (daddy dom, little boy and mommy dom, little girl, respectively). the "dom" part of these terms acknowledges the power dynamic, which is sexual and not at all involved with agere. also!! not all ageplayers regress and not all age regressors ageplay! 

if you're an age regressor, you can use these terms instead of ones like ddlg: 

- babyre (when the regressor goes into an infant-like headspace)
- kidre (an older headspace)
- cglre (non-sexual, stands for caregiver little regression)

NSFW terms can include:
- md/lg
- md/lb
- dd/lg
- dd/lb
- abdl

note: you should never use these terms together. Why not? Because crosstagging kink and age regression can expose people (especially minors) to kink content that they didn't consent to seeing. it's totally valid to be both a regressor and an ageplayer, but please don't mix the two in the content you might create. please keep them as separate as you can. 

a note about diapers:
diapers are often used by both the ageplay and the age regression community. in ageplay it's a fetish, in age regression it's simply a trigger or something that a little feels safe doing. don't automatically assume diapers are either for irl babies or fetish materials, because they're not. 



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