♥ caregiver (cg) basics! ♥

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So your friend or significant other has just told you they're a little. Assuming you've read this far, you know what a little is and just some basics. But how do you go about establishing a relationship around this? Rules? Rewards? Punishments? Even nicknames for each other?

First, I'd advise you read some littlespace guides. Most of these are aimed at Littles specifically but anything helps. You can look at my reading list "little trash" (I'm unoriginal okay) to get some good ones. I'd start with lilkittynellie and her two guides to littlespace.

Second, you're going to want to have a sit-down conversation with your little. Remember, you both have to agree on what the rules are, or anything of that nature. Suggest some things. Listen to them. Don't be afraid to google things if you're unsure.

Some ideas for rules:
- set a bedtime
- no swearing
- limit on junk food or candy
- don't talk back to caregiver

Some ideas for rewards:
- candy!!
- staying up later
- tv
- a new stuffie!
- cuddles with caregiver (but you should always cuddle your little!)

Some ideas for punishments:
- something physical (but only if you're both okay with it and you agree on a safeword or a way to stop. Physical punishments should never go farther than light slaps on the wrist. Psychological should never go past timeouts. Ignoring your little or not caring for them is a good way to break your relationship.)
- time outs
- early bedtime

REMEMBER. Your little is relying on you. Treat them in headspace like you would any other toddler/kid/baby, with respect and love. If they are not okay with something never pressure them into doing that thing. Never say things like "grow up" or "I hate it when you're so little" or yell, because your little trusts you with this. This is likely a part of their life that they don't want everyone knowing about. Betraying that trust breeds further issues to come.

Some things you can do to make your little feel secure:
- talk to them like they are truly their mental age (things like "here, you're too young to do that, let me do it for you," or "don't worry about it, go get your stuffie and we'll watch a movie")
- just talking in general! It might feel awkward but your little will be happy they are involved in the conversation.
- cuddles!! Never fails.
- distract them! With a stuffie, their paci, whatever makes them feel like they're safe where they are.

Ideas for names (caregivers)
- mommy, mama or mom for feminine people
- daddy, papi, mister, sir or dad for masculine people
- parent or bubba for anyone, but specifically non-binary caregivers

Ideas for names (Littles)
- little boy/girl
- cutie
- sweetie/sweetheart
- baby
- darling

Things to do to make your little feel small (credit to itsybitseybaby on Tumblr):
☆ Squish their cheeks
☆ Head pats
☆ Forehead kisses
☆ Play with their hair/pet them
☆ Order for them
☆ Already know what foods they want
☆ Make them a little meal on a cute plate
☆ Put them down for a nap
☆ Read them a story
☆ Fill their sippy
☆ Tell them no you cant have that cookie
☆ Tell them that they have to eat their veggies
☆ Teach them stuff
☆ Pick out a coloring page for them
☆ Tie their shoes for them
☆ Button their shirt for them
☆ Put on a little show for them
☆ Put their paci in their mouth

And that's not even the end of it all!

It might be awkward in the beginning! That's okay! It will get better over time as you get used to each other.

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