♥ self care for littles! ♥

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self-care for littles is really super important, especially if you don't have a caregiver. (and it's okay if you don't! i'm a single little myself and i try to have some little time just for me!) a website that can really help you is littlespaceonline.com and that is where this list of things most littles enjoy came from! (note: some users and topics are 18+ just make sure you're cool with that.)

Coloring Books (Amount: 3-4)

Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers (Amount: 2+ sets)

Teddy bears or other stuffed animals (Amount: 1+)Dolls (cabbage patch, barbie, etc) (Amount: 1+)

Soft blankets (Amount: 1-3)

Pacifiers (Amount: 1-4)

Bottles, sippy cups, straw cups, or other special drinking cups (Amount: 1-4)

Diapers (Amount: 2+ brands)

Wipes, powder, and bottom cream

Bubble bath (Amount: 2+ different kinds/scents)

Movies (Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks Animation, etc) (Amount: 10+)

Fluffy cozy socks (Amount: 4+)

Storybooks (with pictures) (Amount: 4+)

Audio files and music (Suggestions: The Big Little Podcast, little songs, nursery rhymes on tape, etc)

A special bracelet, necklace, or keychain for when you're feeling anxious in a Big or Adult situation and need discreet comfort. 

some other things you can do to take care of yourself are: 

- invest some time into being little. it can really help you relax and destress. i find that being little more often helps me be more comfortable dealing (is that the right word) with it. 

- go online and talk to other littles on littlespace forums. this can help with the feeling i know a lot of us can get surrounding being alone in our regression.

- lastly, you can also keep in contact with those who accept you as a little. this can also help ward away depression, anxiety and stress. 

i love you all, and stay little! (sometimes. when appropriate) 


lukie <3 

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