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Summary: Peter gets hurt on a mission

Another day of patrolling the city, Spider-Man sits on top of a high building to get a good view of the city down below. He hears a cry for help and his head snaps to where the sound is coming from. He sees a guy trying to steal a woman's purse. Peter quickly swings towards him and lands behind the guy.

"It's not nice to steal things." He speaks, instantly, the guy turns to him and lets go of the purse while the lady ran off. The guy didn't say anything besides start swinging at Peter.

"Not much of a talker huh?" He says while webbing his feet to the ground and hands to the wall next to him.

Job well done Peter

As he was about to start swinging away another guy came up behind him and punched him right in the back. Peter stumbled forward landing on one knee. The other guy took this as an opportunity to continue, so he kicked his side making him in pain on the ground.

All of a sudden, another person comes and frees the guy Peter had webbed to the wall then they all start attacking him. He took so many blows to the stomach, side, and legs. Thankfully, he covered his face and curled up into a ball to cover himself as much as possible.

"Cops!" One guys said and they all ran off. Peter saw the cops running to him. "Are you okay?" He nodded and got up with a groan. Then started swinging back home.

It took some time to get back home since his and Wade's apartment was on the other side of the city. He made his way to the window of their apartment knowing they kept it unlocked for this reason. After he crawled in he collapsed on the floor because of how hurt he is.

"Babe? Is that you?" Wade asked as he came upstairs. "Yeah." Peter replied hoarsely. "Peter are you okay?" He just shook his head.

"Baby, let me take off the mask." Wade spoke gently while kneeling down next to him. He helped him sit up, but stopped when seeing how much pain it caused.

When Wade took off his mask, Peters lip was busted, his nose was bleeding, there was a cut on his forehead and his eye was swollen. "Did they hit you anywhere else?" Peter motioned to all of his body. "I need to take the suit off okay?"

Wade carefully took off the suit, but wish he hadn't because all over his body were bruise. All shapes and sizes. Black, blue, and red. He scooped up the smaller boy and laid him on their bed.

He heard Peter wheezing as well, so he asked where it hurts the most and he pointed to his side. On his side was a huge bruise. "Baby we need to go to the hospital, I think you broke some ribs."

Wade helped Peter get comfortable clothes on and tried picking him up himself, but it caused too much pain for Peter. So he had to call an ambulance. Wade didn't ride with him, he drove there since they had no one else to drive back home.

At the hospital, he found Peter and when he saw him, it was an awful sight to see. He was on the hospital bed curled up, crying and screaming in pain. "Baby, it's gonna be okay. The pain will stop." Wade assured squeezing his hand.

Then the doctor came in. "It looks like you had one broken rib, a broken ankle, and a sprained wrist. May I ask how did this happen?" Peter tried answering, but every breath every word ended up in agonizing pain.

"He was jumped." Wade answered. "Well we will put him in surgery in about 30 minutes since this is urgent. They are prepping the OR room right now." Wade nodded. "How long will the surgery take?" He asked just as worried as Peter. "A couple hours. If you want you can go home and we'll let you when he's done." Peter groaned,"Don't...leave me."

Wade then knew his decision to go home was answered right away. He wasn't going to leave his baby, even if it meant no sleep.

The OR was prepped and ready then they started rolling Peter towards the room. "Can he stay with me?" The boy pleaded with this puppy dog eyes he knew worked on everyone. "Fine. But you will stay out of the way. If you cause any disturbances you will be asked to leave." Wade nodded.

Before the surgery they asked if Peter had any other family, so Wade gave them Aunt Mays number and said they'll notify her as soon as possible.

The surgery went really well, the only thing Wade was concerned about was when they said Peter was bleeding eternally. But they managed to fix everything and stop him from bleeding out. It will take 6 to 8 weeks for him to completely heal.

Aunt May waited in the waiting room until he was out, when she heard he was done she ran to be by Peters side. Almost an hour passed before he started to wake up. "Aunt May?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "Sore." May squeezed his hand,"Don't worry Wade will take care of you."

All three of them were happy when he could go home. May had to leave to work, but she trusted Wade to take care of him. She knew Peter was in good hands.

Once they were home Wade assisted Peter out of the car and into their home. Soon in their bed.

"Okay until you're healed we're having a movie marathon. You, me, our favorite foods, and lots of cuddles and kisses." He smiled which made Peter smile as well. "Sounds like a plan." He timidly spoke.

Wade jumped into bed and turned on their TV to Netflix. But not without saying 'I love you' to Peter and giving him a nice kiss.

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