Tony Stark

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Summary: Tony likes to dance

Requested by: JessieLaxton

Tony has a huge family. A total of seven siblings, eight including him. And he is the youngest. He has 3 older sisters which include, Natasha, Wanda, and Carol. His 4 older brothers are, Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Sam. Believe it or not, they're all or we're involved in the military at some point in their lives. Even their dad was too. So you can believe that they all expected Tony to be involved as well.

That wasn't the case at all. Tony traveled down a different path. His passion was to dance. Probably weird coming from a guy who wears heels to make him taller from time to time. But he hasn't told anyone that he danced because he felt like if they knew, they wouldn't accept it since they all expected him to be in the military. He didn't know how to tell him.

Until an opportunity fell in front of him. Their high school was putting together a dance and they needed people to help put everything together. He actually did want to help, but a part of him only volunteered, so that his siblings wouldn't make him train for all that military stuff

The town they lived in was rather small. It was the type of town where everyone knew everyone. So him and most of the town, mainly high schoolers and some adults, decorated a place to have the dance at. A dance where anyone could bring anyone they like, it could be a date, family members, or friends. Anyone. Everything was perfect. The dance was this Saturday and each day that passed by, Tony kept feeling more and more anxious.

He was nervous and scared about what his family would say when he tells them he doesn't want to go into the military. That he loves dancing.

So when Saturday rolled by, all his siblings were taking their daily nap, since they all train early in the morning. Tony woke them all up telling them to get dressed that they're going to the dance. It didn't take a lot of persuading while they all agreed it would be fun to do something as a family that's not military related.

They all got dressed and headed over there. The ride there, Tony's leg couldn't stop bouncing up and down from all the nerves racing through him. Luckily, no one noticed, so he didn't have to explain himself.

Once they all arrived, they could hear the music blaring from outside, it was such a great turn out. Everyone was there. He was proud of what they put together as they looked at the decorations that were outside. But before going inside, Tony stopped all of them to finally come clean.

"Okay so before we go inside and you won't be able to hear me. I need to tell you all something." He paused while taking a nervous gulp. "I don't want to go into the military. It's not what I like to do. I have no interest in it. The thing I really love to do is to dance." He then paused again seeing all their weird facial expressions. "And before you guys say anything. I'm really good at what I do. Just let me show you."

They all followed him and he made his way to the center of the floor and when people saw him starting to dance they made a circle around him. Getting more into it, he started doing more jumps and leaps, twists and turns. Doing crazy things like backflips, the splits, spinning on his head. It was the most amazing thing that his family ever witnessed him do, yet it was the most baffling thing ever. No one in his family would have ever pictured him doing something like this.

They continued to watch him as he was finishing up, as he walked away from the center, he saw the looks of his siblings face and his dad's. His siblings looked very amused, but his dad had no expression on his face which scared him a little.

As they moved away from the noise they kept cheering about how Tony was such a good dancer.

"Wow, Tones, I never thought I'd see you do the splits ever and I never thought you'd look great doing it. You were really amazing out there." Steve started while smiling. "Yeah Tony, that was absolutely incredible. You have to teach me some things. I would love to learn!" Wanda spoke.

They all told him how great and amazing that was, they told him they would've supported him with whatever her chose. They're just happy that their baby brother was happy. But now for the person who hasn't uttered a word at all that evening.

"Dad? What did you think?" He asked nervously. "Well, I'm sort of bummed I won't have an all military family, but if this is what you really want to do and you're obviously really good at it. Then who am I to tell you, you can't do it. I will support you and we will all cheer you on no matter what." He smiled and everyone surrounded Tony with a group hug.

It was such a huge weight off his shoulders knowing he doesn't have to worry about what they think anymore. He felt free, as long as he had his family's support then nothing could stop him.

Hope you like it :) if you want to me to fix or change anything pls let me know

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