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Part 2 of the Tony chapter
Summary: Tony meets Stephen Strange

Requested by: JessieLaxton

Needless to say, his siblings would of course go all out for his 21st birthday. The guys had something planned for Tony while the girls had something different planned.

So Saturday, it would be a guys night. It was Steve's idea since he's the oldest, he went on and on and on about his 21st birthday and how it was so much fun even though he could hardly remember. Whenever someone tells him that, his response is always, "that's how I know it was fun!"

Tony was a bit nervous to go with his brothers, not because he doesn't trust them—well, actually because he doesn't trust them. This time at least. No one would tell him where he was going which made him more and more anxious.

But finally, Saturday came by and they were all in the car driving for what seemed to be forever until they stopped. It was a bar. Of course they would, Tony thought. It was such a brotherly thing to do.

"You ready Tones?" Steve asked cheerfully. Tony didn't know what to expect, he nodded with a semi fake smile on his face. "You'll have lots of fun trust me." Bucky spoke as they all got out of the car.

Inside was actually what Tony expected a bar to be. People dancing upon each other very closely in fact. Some very drunk people at tables or stumbling around. "Alright, since you're a noobie at this, I'll order you what I always get and see if you like it." Sam offered.

It was gross. The grossest thing he's ever tasted. He was going to ask if they had soda or something else, but seeing as his brothers were already getting tipsy, he knew he wasn't going to get a word out of them. He went by himself to see what other drinks they have and while waiting for his drink a guy came and sat next to him.

He was rather handsome which suddenly made Tony want to check his appearance to make sure he looked appealing as well.

"I'm Stephen." He greeted confidently. "Tony." He smiled back. "Do you want to dance?" Tony looked back at his brothers and they looked drunk now. They seemed to be entertaining themselves, so he agreed.

They began dancing to the music boomed throughout the place. Stephen slowly closed the gap between them and placed his hands on Tony's hips. They closed the gap even more, but before anything drastic could happen, his brothers popped up around them wedging themselves in between them while casually dancing as if they did nothing wrong.

"Excuse us, we're dancing." Tony spoke to his brothers. "Okay. So are we." Clint shrugged. Tony pulled Steve away from them. "What're you guys doing?" He asked. "You guys don't have to baby me. I know you're only dancing that close because of him." He spoke implying to Stephen. "Look Tones, you're right, but we're just really over protective of you. You know that. I know we shouldn't baby you, but we can't help it. I'll give you guys some space though. Don't do anything stupid and if you need us, you know what to do." Steve smiled.

His brothers moved away, but kept a decent amount of space from them. Luckily, Stephen was still there. "I'm sorry about them. They're my brothers."

"No worries." Stephen smiled and they continued dancing. They soon filled the gap again that was once disturbed, Stephens hands found their way back on Tony's hips.

It may have been the setting, or the mood, or something must've been in the air, but somehow Tony found his back swaying back and forth against Stephens front. Tony's smile and sudden confidence made him feel so good, he was having the time of his life.

His brothers wanted to do something, only because they've never seen that part of Tony before, they didn't know how to act. But Steve made sure they didn't do anything because the one thing they wanted for Tony was to have fun. And by the look on his face, he was doing just that.

Hope you like it! Message me if otherwise:)

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