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High School AU

Summary: Wade flirts with Peter using bad pick up lines

Everyone knew Wade had a thing for the small and awkward Peter. They were quite the opposite of each other. One was shy while the other was outgoing. One was awkward and the other was confident. No one really ever showed an interest towards Peter, so when Wade started to flirt with him. Peter didn't know how to react to it.

He was in the library trying to find a good book to read. As he was searching up and down the shelves, he saw one that looked interesting on the top shelf. He looked left and right to find a stool, but there were none in sight. So he stood on his tip toes to reach for it, but was not successful. Then he tried jumping to get it, it didn't work.

Until he saw a hand grab it and hand it to him. He saw that it was Wade, a guy who Peter had a massive crush on.


"No problem sweet cheeks." He winked making Peter blush ferociously. "Is it hot in here or is it you?" Then he smirked,"Oh wait, it is you."

As Peter started walking back to where he was sitting, Wade hooked an arm around his neck lazily.

"So Petey—can I call you Petey? I'm gonna call you Petey—you know, if you were a library book I'd check you out." He smiled cheekily. "Wait, I already did."

The smaller boy didn't know what to say to him, he kept blushing and tried to focus on his book. He thought this was some dare, so maybe if he didn't pay attention to him he'll just leave.

"I didn't know I was in a museum cause I'm looking at a fine piece of art."

"W-why are you flirting with me?" He asked looking into his brown doe eyes.

"Cause you're cute. And I like you. And I know you like me too." Peter blushed again. "Go on a date with me."

"Are you asking or telling me?" He rose an eyebrow. "Yes."

"When?" Peter asked while packing up his things to exit the library. "Saturday." Wade followed him as he went to check out the book. "I'll pick you up at 6."

Then Wade started walking out. "I didn't say yes." Peter walked away, surprised at the confidence he just grew.

Wade was taken back that he got rejected like that. But that didn't mean he was going to stop.


The next day Wade approached Peter at his locker. "So, have you thought about that date?"

"Yes and I-I'm not too sure." He stated then started to walk away, but Wade grabbed his hand to pull him back over to him.

He smiled down at Peter like the cheeky bastard he knows he is.

"Are you a beaver 'cause damn." He looked at him up and down then chuckled when seeing Peter's red face again.

"Yes." The smaller boy blurted. "Yes?" He nodded,"I'll go on that date." Peter started to walk away again,"Don't be late!" "Wouldn't dream of it."


Peter paced back and forth in his room nervously as the time peered closer to 6. He's never been on a date before. He was afraid he'd wear the wrong thing or be overdressed or underdressed. He felt his heart drop in anxiousness as he heard a knock at the door.

He took one last deep breath before opening it. Wade looked absolutely handsome.

"You look stunning." Wade smiled. "You don't look bad y-yourself."

The whole date consisted of Wade flirting using bad pick up lines. Peter however, loved them. It showed his dorky side. He loved that he got to see that side. Wade saw how Peter was slowly coming out of his shell, he enjoyed seeing that goofy side of him. If you saw them on the street you'd think they were already been together for a couple of years, that's how well they clicked.

They both confessed they had feelings for each other for a while. But both were too shy to talk to one another. Now Wade is confident and all, but when it came to Peter, he was just as shy as he was.

As they were walking back home, Wade took a leap of faith and connected their hands together, swinging them as they walked.

"Do you memorize these or do you just come up with them?" Peter asked. "A magician never reveals his secrets."

When they reached his house Wade just had to say one last pick up line.

"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" He smirked down at the shorter boy as he looked flustered to think of what to say.

So Wade just grabbed the sides of his face with his palms and connected their lips together. "We should do this again." He spoke after pulling apart.

"The date or the kissing?" Peter asked, while Wade grew a grin on his face. "Yes." Then he walked towards his house.

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