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Summary: Bucky is a cop

I really like this one :)

There will be a part 2

Requested by: JakeyP99

Bucky and his partner were the first to arrive at a house fire, but they both knew they couldn't wait for backup or else it would be too late. So they went into the fire and instantly, heard two voices.

His partner went towards those voices while Bucky went to see if there was anyone else inside. He didn't hear anyone, so he went to go back outside until he saw a framed picture of three people. A mom, dad, and a son. He knew there was someone else in there so he went back to look.

He checked in rooms until he heard coughing come from the last one. Opening the door carefully, he saw a boy on the ground underneath the ceiling that had fallen on him. Picking up all the rubble, he got him uncovered. "Hey, I got you. Stay with me. What's your name?" He asked as he picked him up.


"Okay Peter, you're gonna be just fine."

By the time he went outside, the paramedics were there along with the firefighters and back up. The paramedics took Peter to an ambulance while his parents were in another one. As they were putting him in, Bucky felt a hand on his.

"Can you stay with me?" He asked softly. "Of course."

On the way there, they saw major bleeding coming from his head, so they tried stabilizing him. It was hard to tell with all the dust and ash that covered him, but during the ride there, he started flatlining.

"Come on stay with us!" A paramedic yelled. They started to do CPR after the defibrillator wasn't helping. Bucky stood by, slightly tearing up as he kept hearing the flatline. After a while, they stopped doing CPR and was about to call time of death.

"You have to keep trying! You have to! I am NOT losing him!" He yelled at the paramedic and kept insisting to keep trying until he did. After a few more tries, he felt for a pulse.

"We got a pulse!"

They all sighed in relief when Peter's eyes started to flutter open. He was so scared, he didn't know what had happened. His first instinct was to grab something near, which happened to be Bucky's hand. "Don't ever scare us like that again." He told Peter as he squeezed his hand gently.

He didn't know why, he couldn't explain it, but he felt a connection with Peter. It was weird because he was a stranger, but he couldn't let it go.

Bucky informed his boss about the situation and how he wasn't comfortable leaving until he woke up. His boss told him it was fine, but to come back to work after he woke up.

"W-where am I?" Peter asked as he woke up. He started to sit up and mess with the things that were connected to him. "Hey hey hey, calm down. You're okay." Bucky stood up and prevented him from getting out of bed.

"You're the one who saved me." Peter stated. "You can call me Bucky." He smiled. "Thank you. Thank you for staying with me." Then they both shared a smile. "Where are my parents?"

"Look, they're okay. They're admitted here as patients, just for a standard check up." Bucky explained as the doctor came.

"Okay, I have to get back to work now but—" Peter cut him off. "A-are you coming back?" He asked. "Yes I will. After I figure out what happened. I'll check up with you."

Back at the station, they discovered that the fire wasn't an accident. Someone purposely targeted Peter and his family. So they sent Bucky back down to the hospital to talk to them again.

He first talked to his parents to see if they had any enemies that would target them. When that came up empty, he went to Peter's room. When he was outside the room, he heard other voices, they didn't sound like doctors, but he continued to listen.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I don't have it." He heard. "Well, you know what happens when you don't have it."

"No, no, please. G-give me more time." Peter pleaded. Then Bucky walked in. Peter was on his knees while two guys restrained him and the other stuck a needle in his arm. Once they saw him they all ran.

Bucky crouched by his side and he got the needle out. "Please don't tell my parents." He cried in his arms. Peter continued crying for longer while Bucky sat there with him rubbing his back comfortingly. He was helped back into the bed as a nurse came to check on him.

"Peter, I just have a few questions to ask you, is that alright?" Peter nodded. "Okay, so the fire wasn't an accident. We have reason to believe someone did it on purpose. Did those guys have something to do with it?"

"N-no." He shook his head frantically. "Look, they will not be hurting you anymore, so you don't have to be scared. If they're involved you have to tell me so we can put them away for a long time."

"Um, t-they know my parents have lots of money, s-so they want me to give them some. I only did it cause they said they would hurt them. And I couldn't give it to them today cause I'm here."

After that, Bucky and his colleagues tried everything they could to find them and put them away. But they couldn't find them after the incident at the hospital. Peter wasn't too fond of that, but still managed to carry on with his life. Bucky and Peter stayed in touch, talking more than they probably should've, but nothing would stop them from talking and growing feelings for each other.

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