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Summary: Bucky has a hard time adjusting to his metal arm

Ever since Bucky got his arm it's been a struggle trying to adjust. His new strength is too much for him to handle right now and it's hard keeping up with it.

Peter noticed it too. He noticed Bucky getting frustrated when he's doing ordinary things. One time Bucky tried opening the fridge, but since of his new strength in his arm he accidentally yanked the door right off. He couldn't even put his hair in a bun or ponytail, his hair would get caught in the grooves and yank on his hair.

Every time he'd shower he'd have to wrap it so it wouldn't rust. Bucky became self conscious about it he started wearing long sleeves and jackets more often.

He was trying to put his hair back again since it kept falling in his face, but he didn't succeed because it got caught in the crevasses of the metal. He gave up tilting his head back in frustration.

"Babe? You okay?" Peter asked sitting next to him on the couch. "This stupid arm. I hate it." Bucky sighed. "I know, but you just need some time getting used to it." Peter assured.

"It's been 5 months! How much more time can I wait?!" He yelled, then sighed. "M'sorry baby, I didn't mean to shout. I'm just so irritated." Peter grabbed the hair tie that was in Bucky's hand. "Just wait and you'll see. You'll be adjusted in no time."

Peter began to tie Bucky's hair back in a bun,"Thank you baby." He brought Peter onto his lap when he was finished.

"Thank you for being here for me." He smiled softly at his boyfriend. Peter smiled back leaning in to kiss him gently.

"I'm gonna get some lemonade." He spoke getting off Bucky and walking into the kitchen. Peter got two cups while Bucky went to the pitcher from the fridge.

But when he opened it he yanked it off the hinges again on accident. A loud sound formed within the house following a groan from Bucky as he stormed away and into their room. Peter sighed as he picked up the door and leaned it against the fridge for now.

Peter walking in and sat in their computer chair that was in Buckys line of sight. "It'll be okay, you'll adjust soon."

"Easy for you to say, you don't have a stupid piece of metal attached to you! You don't get what it's like trying to adjust to this piece of crap! So please stop telling me it'll be okay when we both know it's not!" He snapped at the younger boy. "I was only trying to help." That was the only thing Peter said before leaving the room and slamming the door. Peter knew he was taking out his frustrations at him only because he's always used to adapting very well and when he couldn't do it this time, it made him angry.

Bucky went to go find Peter who was trying to fix the fridge door, to get his mind off things. But since Bucky was the one who always fixed it, Peter didn't know how.

"I'm sorry darling." He spoke to which Peter didn't answer. "I'm sorry I snapped, I didn't mean it. I'm just so frustrated at myself." Still, no answer. He decided to take matters into his own hands.

He picked Peter up carrying him bridal style into their bedroom. Then he hovered over him.

"I know you're mad at me for snapping at you and acting like that and I'm sorry. I didn't mean it I swear. Like I said I'm just annoyed." Peter still didn't answer he only avoided eye contact.

"Please look at me doll." Peters brown eyes met his blue ones. "I won't yell at you again, okay? You're right, I do need to wait more, I will adjust soon. I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

Peter could never stay made at Bucky, not when he looks like a God made of pure beauty. "You're lucky you're cute." He smiled. Bucky leaned down to kiss his lips. "Thank you baby." Then he stacked himself on top of Peter using his right arm to play with Peter's hair.

"As much as I would want to never move babe, but I can't breathe." He said that last part hoarsely. "Oh, sorry." Bucky chuckled and switched them so Peter was on top. The older male rubbed Peter's back soothingly until he heard his soft little snores and fell asleep himself.

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