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Part 2
Summary: They're moving on

Requested by: JessieLaxton

It took them almost 2 years to clean out his room. They decided they were going to move. Move closer to civilization and to try and get a fresh start. They had Tony cremated, so that he could be with them always. The only bad thing about moving was cleaning out Tony's room. Of course they were going to keep all of his stuff, but just seeing his face and being reminded of him for the time being was hard.

Throughout cleaning his room, Steve and Bucky reminisced on all the things they found. Science fair ribbons, medals, and trophies, his framed photos of the three of them in various different places, and all the trash that they told him to clean, but never did.

Bucky went ahead to clean his desk and Steve went under his bed to check if anything was under there. He found a box full of pictures and CDs.

"What are these? I've never seen these before?" He asked showing them to Bucky. "This one is labeled "Runaway Baby". And some of them have dates on them. Are these baby videos or something?"

They were deciding if they wanted to watch some of them, they weren't sure if they felt like crying today, but after some more thought, they started to watch them.

They first one they watched was his first steps. Bucky was recording and Steve kept saying "come to papa" until Tony did. Those days held a lot of happy tears, it's funny how time flies.

The second one was Tony getting ready for his first homecoming. Steve was recording this time. "Wow, look at you." Steve said behind the camera. Tony rolled his eyes, as teenagers did, but nonetheless showed a small smile. "Let me see your tie." Bucky spoke. "I can do it myself dad." Tony insisted. "Okay then show me." After staring at it aimlessly, Bucky took it back,"That's what I thought." They laughed.

The last one they decided to watch was the one labeled "Runaway Baby" and they were super glad they did. It was Tony singing and dancing to Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars. It was pretty bad if you ask them, but they enjoyed it tons. Well, the only bad thing about it was his singing. He was actually a really good dancer believe it or not. They were surprised at when they saw it, Tony never told them or even mentioned it.

They might've let a few tears slip away with some chuckled watching their son act all goofy. After it was over, they figured they would continue the next day. "We needed that. Really. We've been so tense lately and I feel that really made us feel better." Bucky spoke. "Yeah it did. I'm glad we watched it. I miss him Buck." Steve said as his voice slightly cracked. "Me too Steve. Me too." He spoke gently kissing his husbands lips.

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