Chapter 7. Just a pretty face

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One week later

"Cheer up!"

I controlled myself from getting angry at Surbhi. Since morning she had been acting like a heartbroken person. Aryan went to Bangalore to meet his parents and she was acting like someone had died.

I even showed her pics of delicious food but she kept sulking. During lunch, I ordered a mega size pizza and her favorite drink. No use.

I met Aryan last Sunday after 6 months. He was a cool guy. I approved him for my best friend. After hanging out with the lovebirds, I went to the park. I read my novel and listened to some relaxing songs. My Sunday was wonderful, in short.

I was still in happy mood but Surbhi spoiled it with all her sulking. I had to drag her through the corridors to reach the class. She wanted to bunk. If she wasn't my best friend, I would have strangled her by now.

We got in the classroom and took our seats. I called up Aryan and gave her the phone. They could talk till the teacher arrived. Surbhi excused herself and went out.

Why didn't she call him herself if she was feeling so low? I shook my head and since I didn't have my phone with me, I began doodling on the margins of my notebook.

"Ouch!" A basketball hit me on the back of my head and rolled down on the side. I looked back and saw Ved faking a guilty look. His friends were laughing.

"Oops. Slipped from my hand," he said and acted like he was really sorry. I got up and picked up the ball.

"You did it on purpose!"

I threw the ball at him but he caught it with one hand.

"Someone is pissed," one of the guys said. I glared at him and he just smirked.

"What you gonna do about that?" Ved asked.

He was returning to his old ways. He is trying to provoke you, Sandhya. Don't give in. Sit back and act like nothing happened. I did as my inner voice told me and got back to my seat.

He came in front of me and closed the book I was doodling in.

"Bullying is not good, Ved," I said in a whisper.

He smirked and gave me the middle finger. How dare he?!

If I punch him, I will get detention right?

Oh heck with it. I was not going to sit back and suffer like I did in elementary school. I swung my hand but he caught my fist before it connected with his face.

"Try that again and I will break your arm," he warned.

"You started it. I told you I don't want to deal with you," I shouted.

"The game has just begun and you are already giving up? Don't be a such a spoil sport."

"This is not funny. We are not kids anymore. Grow up."

"Then why do I find this entertaining? I will give you an advice though. Keep your eyes and ears open. You never know from where the strike will come." He stepped back and swirled the basketball on his index finger.

Was he threatening me? I couldn't believe this. We were in college. Didn't he have other important things to do?

He got back to his seat and I only stared. What could I do? One thing I was confident about Ved was that he never went back on his word. You were either a friend or an enemy for him. Nothing inbetween. And I was surely not on the good side.

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