Chapter 50. Fake love

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"Vectors can be described as geometric, analytic and axiomatic. A vector is a directed line segment. Important points; length and its direction. Length is called magnitude which is indicated by vertical bars. If length is equal to one unit, it's called a unit vector.
A = |A| or  = A/A

Law of cosines:-
C = A+B
C×C = (A+B) × (A+B)
|C|² = |A|² + |B|² + 2|A||B| cos∅
C² = A² + B² - 2AB cos∅

Cross product can be used to describe an area. If A is the area of a parallelogram and the vector product defines-"


"What the hell, man? My nose!" I cursed when I bumped into Shree.

He was standing in the doorway, blocking majority of the path. He glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes when he saw me. Mahek giggled and placed her hand on his chest possessively.

She moved closer to him and smirked when she saw my annoyed expression. Shree kissed her cheek, making her blush which was so fake that I wanted to punch her right there.

"Baby~ my phone is not working properly. See? I dropped it yesterday and now it has so many cracks. How will I click selfies now?" she complained and showed him his phone.

"Don't be sad. I will buy you a new one, okay? Which one do you want?" he asked softly.

"The latest model which was released last week," she cooed.

"Anything for you, my baby." Shree caressed her hair.

Mahek planted a kiss on his cheek and Shree asked her if she wanted something else. She tapped her right index finger on her chin and thought for a minute.

Then she started listing out various items and clothes she wanted to buy and her boyfriend agreed to take her shopping this weekend. She jumped in joy and hugged him.

Why was I standing here and torturing my eyes?

I pushed past Shree and decided to ignore them. I was going through my notes in the Physics lab and practising some experiments for the practicals. But I got bored and decided to take a nap in the library.

As I moved past the couple, Mahek stepped to her right and hit me with her shoulder. I stumbled a bit and caught my notebook before it fell down.

I looked at her and she turned around to face me. She gave me a challenging look and I narrowed my eyes at her. She was provoking me. I clenched my jaw and moved towards her but Shree pulled her back and stepped between us.

"Don't even think about hurting her," he warned as he stared me down.

Mahek wrapped her arms around his waist and peaked her head from behind him. She blew a mocking kiss in my direction and I rolled my eyes. She was really enjoying this, wasn't she? Bloody witch.

"What are you looking at?" Shree snapped his fingers in front of me and I directed my gaze at him.

"Take my advice. Stay away from her," I told him.

"I think you should follow your own advice," he bit back.

"Chill, baby~ She is just jealous," Mahek mocked and stood beside him.

"Move on, Sandhya. I am sure you will find someone else," Shree said and I gave him a dead look.

I deemed it best to not reply and shook my head at him. He still believed what Mahek had said. And whatever I would have said in my defence, he would have just ignored it and supported his girlfriend-no matter what she told him. He had gone completely nuts for her.

I pursed my lips and turned on my heels after throwing a glance at Mahek. How could someone be so cunning and selfish? I was worried for Shree.

Soon, it would be six months to their relationship and I was afraid that Mahek would break up with him. It was her average timeline before she dumped the guy.

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