Chapter 17. Loverboy

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"Wrong. This one too. How many times do I have to repeat myself?"

"I got it. Chill. I am trying here. These numbers just don't make sense to me." Nikhil scratched his forehead and focused.

After ten minutes, he showed me the answer. I hit him on his head. He got it wrong again. Maybe I was the bad teacher. I explained the problem to him again and he nodded like everytime.

"How did you even got in the college? We studied this in 12th grade," I said.

"Sports quota." He smiled cheekily.

I rolled my eyes. Doesn't he get tired with playing basketball all day? He showed me his answer and I nodded in approval. Finally.

"Someone is quite busy," Shreyas said and sat beside Nikhil. I looked up from my book and told him how Nikhil was being a total pain in the butt. Why did I agree to tutor him again? Divya said he was smart. I totally disagreed.

"Don't look at me like that. I am just not good at Maths okay?" Nikhil complained and I laughed.

"You got that wrong," Shreyas told him and Nikhil looked at me like I would murder him now. I decided to change the method of teaching. Everyone got their own pace.

I showed him a different approach to the questions and his eyes sparked up.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier? It seems more easy this way," he asked and I told him that if he failed this time, I was going to start charging for tutoring him.

He got back to his work and Shreyas took out his diary. He started penning something down and I wondered why he was doing a diary entry in the middle of the day.

"It's not a personal diary. I write some songs and music notes here," he told me as if he read my mind.

I nodded my head. He must be writing some songs for that music program. The quarter finals were near and I wished Shreyas would come up as a winner.

"16 out of 25. Not bad." Nikhil checked his answer sheet and I gave him a small smile. I enjoyed these short questionnaires and his score was improving too. I patted myself on back.

"Good work, Nikhil. Keep it up," I complimented and he left after thanking me. Shreyas and I went to the cafeteria. I had been teaching Nikhil for three days now and he soaked most of my energy.

I took my seat and Shreyas sat beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What? I can't sit here?" he asked and took the menu.

"You always sit there." I motioned towards Ved's table.

"I would be alone. No one has arrived yet," he said and called the waiter.

"Don't you like to be alone?" I asked and took out my lunchbox.

"Who says? I ain't a loner," he replied and ordered a hamburger and some fries.

"Okay. If you say so," I said and began eating. I had brought dosa today.

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