Chapter 97. Omen

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(🚨 Long chapter ahead 🚨)


Everything was done; chocolates, flowers, candies, a black forest cake, and the most important surprise gift for Ved which I was planning to give to him for so long. I had even prepared a custom ring by using some of my old jewellery - I was broke, so I couldn't afford an expensive one at the moment.

Though it took me about a week after the college fest to get my Princess' ring finger's measure with the help of Nikhil, the wait was worth it. And finally, the day had arrived when I would confess to Natural Heater that I liked him and wait for his response if he fainted after hearing the proposal.

Yay! I am so happy - I feel I can give a treat to the whole college if Ved accepted my confession.

Even though I was still worried about the fact of getting rejected... I didn't want to-

"Miss Sandhya Rai!" Mehta Sir shouted directly in front of my face.

"Yes, that's my name," I replied.

Surbhi gave Mehta Sir a tight lipped smile when he glanced at her for an explanation since I wasn't giving him one for zoning out in his class, that too while sitting in the front row. After realising that his scoldings were having no effect on me, he shook his head at me and continued with his lecture.

I turned my head to the back and saw Ved looking at me with a weird expression. I gave him a huge smile and exchanged a look with Nikhil who texted me that he had everything prepared; I just had to meet them at the basketball court and then he would help me with the surprise.

Honestly, I wanted to include Surbhi and Parth in the plan too, but since both of them were too hyperactive and would have telecasted my proposal everywhere, I decided to save their hearts from an heart attack and roped in only Nikhil because he was good at keeping secrets.

"You don't have any problem with being on the same group as Ayush, Sandhya?" Mehta Sir questioned while writing down students' names in his laptop.

"What group?" I queried.

"I am giving you guys one more group project. You have been teamed with Ayush, Kriya and Bindu. I just don't want you coming to me later and complain about the group formation."

I thought over it for a moment and nodded my head in positive when I remembered that there was nothing to worry about. If it had been, Ved would have himself told Mehta Sir to rethink his decision. So, after day-dreaming through the rest of the lecture, I was able to grab Nikhil and confirm with him about our plan.

"Don't worry and just act normal, or else he would get suspicious," Nikhil suggested. "Do you have the stuff with you?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"All the best, Sandhya." He gave me a thumbs-up.

I was getting impatient but decided to have patience and let Ved leave and reach the basketball court. It took exactly thirteen minutes and twenty nine seconds for Natural Heater to go and for me and Nikhil to carry out my surprise.

Both of us were walking down the corridor with Nikhil carrying the cake box while I was holding my bag close to me as it had the rest of precious stuff in it. Nikhil smirked at me as I couldn't stop smiling and asking him how Ved would react.

He chuckled at my enthusiasm and gave me a side hug, assuring me that his best friend would not reject me - not even in his dreams. I thanked Nikhil and increased my pace, but when we were about to round the corner and head on the hallway reaching the Sports department, my left wrist was grabbed by someone which made me halt abruptly.

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