Chapter 24. Lovely eyes

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1.... 2.... 3.....4..... That was it. I couldn't do this anymore. I fell on my stomach and just stayed like that for sometime.

"Get up now or I will throw you out of the window."

I saw Rajeev towering over me with one eyebrow raised. I didn't move. I was exhausted. He was gruelling me since the morning. I had to wake up at 4 am to make it to his gym. He didn't even appreciate it.

"How you gonna learn to fight if you can't even do 10 pushups? I didn't know you were this weak."

"I am not weak."

"Then show me. There's no use use if you are just all talk and no action."

I groaned and cursed myself for getting myself into this. If only I knew it was going to be this difficult, I wouldn't have come here. I thought I was going to learn some kick-ass moves they showed in movies and then go around the city saving people.

"You are wasting my time. Get up now," he commanded.

I got up and he told me some simple exercises. They were really easy. Then he made me do 100 skips with skipping rope and do 20 pushups. Only if I did ten of those earlier, he would have gone easy on me.

"You are done for today. Tomorrow be on time. I don't tolerate tardiness. You may go home but remember you have work this evening," he said and handed me my bag.

"Thanks for giving me the job. I really appreciate it," I said.

"Just do your work properly and don't get me any complaints."

"Yes sir."

I left the gym after thanking him once more. I boarded a bus and made my way towards my home. I had half an hour to get ready and run for college. My muscles were aching. Rajeev was ruthless but I was really thankful to him for the part time job. I would be able to pay my fees with it.

I wanted to ask dad but one time I heard him discussing something about home loan with mom. They were really serious so I didn't want to bother them with extra expenses. I would deal with them myself. Since I got a discount because of Rajeev, I paid for myself.

After reaching home, I took a quick shower, got dressed in a plain shirt and jeans. I didn't have time to rummage through my wardrobe and worry about what to wear for half an hour. I wouldn't get time to do that now.

I slinged my backpack on one shoulder and rushed out of the house. Fortunately, I didn't forget to take my lunchbox with me. Mom had already put it in my bag. Wasn't she the best?

I reached college in time and wished some teachers to be absent today. I was feeling so sleepy. I could take a nap in free classes. I reached my classroom and slumped down in my chair.

"You okay?" Surbhi asked and I nodded my head.

"Just tired."

"So how was your first day?"

"It was fine."

"You can sleep till lecturer arrives. I will wake you up."


I placed my arms on the desk and put my head on them. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I was starting to drift off into sleep but some idiot had to come and disturb me. I think you know who I was talking about.

"Zombie has returned." I ignored him.

"Surbhi, Tanya has called for you. She wants to talk about some assignments," he said and I heard Surbhi getting up from her seat.

"Oye!" he shouted but I still ignored him. He poked my shoulder and I opened my eyes. He wouldn't leave unless he annoyed me to death. I got up and narrowed my eyes at him.

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