Chapter 47. Doesn't matter now

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This was so irritating! I had been standing in this queue for over an hour and it seemed to be getting longer by each passing second. Why were there so many people in this world?

The first thing I wanted to do when I returned from college was to gather some more information about Mahek. I was planning on meeting her ex-boyfriends to cross-check my facts, but the moment I stepped outside the house, mom stopped me and handed me a cheque and some cash to deposit in the bank

I couldn't refuse her because she said it was urgent and I had to do it today. So, I dropped my plan and came here against my will. I hated this place. Why was my life like this?

"Excuse me, beta. Can you please fill up my form too?" an old aunty asked and handed me her deposit slip. Before I could reply, she handed me a pen too. She gave me a bright smile and motioned for me to complete her request.

Within one hour, this was the tenth time that someone had asked me to help them. I glanced at the customer help desk and saw it vacant. I became so angry that I almost crushed that aunty's form in my hand.

I huffed and began filling up the piece of paper after asking that aunty for details. After thanking me, she took the form from me and went ahead in line. She gave it to a girl who was talking on the phone. That girl turned and gave me a huge smile.

I didn't smile back. I thought I would explode. Couldn't she have done it herself? Moreover, why did she get in line without filling up her form first? What the hell?

I started cursing in my mind and wished for my turn to arrive soon. I so despised coming to bank because everyone was a slowpoke here. They didn't care whether someone was in a hurry or not. They worked in their own leisurely paces.

After waiting for twenty minutes more, my turn came and I deposited the cheque and the cash. Some serious changes were required here or else everyone would stop coming to the bank altogether.

I relaxed when I completed the task and went to the market to buy groceries. I called up mom and informed her about the same. She told me she would be there within fifteen minutes. So, I decided to wait for her and went to a showroom to check out some scooters and enquire about their prices.

I was planning on gifting one of the latest model of scooter to dad on his birthday. That old metal junk he was currently using was beyond repair now. Once, the new two-wheeler would arrive, I would tell dad to throw that old piece in scrap.


I turned my head when I heard the familiar voice and saw Nikhil's mom smiling at me. I greeted her and she asked me what I was doing here all alone. I informed her that I was just doing some timepass while waiting for mom.

"What about you, aunty? Are you planning on buying something too?" I asked.

"Yes, beta. We are looking for a new four-wheeler. The one we have has gotten quite old," she replied.

"That's so great, aunty. Did you like any car?"

"I liked one but Nikhil is still checking his favourites. He is really picky, just like his dad." She pointed to her right and I saw Nikhil discussing about a car with one of the employees.

"You should buy a scooty for yourself too, beta. I know how hectic it is to travel through buses," she adviced and I nodded my head.

She suggested that she would call Nikhil to help me choose one. Since he had a lot of knowledge about this topic, he would be able to suggest me a nice two-wheeler.

But I refused her, and told her that mom would be here soon and I should get going. She tried to stop me but I politely refused her once more and bolted out of there.

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